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Featured Event
MOMENTUM: Amanda Bernardo - Immigration Justice

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Online via Zoom

Upcoming Events

Mar 10 - Monday

Dickinson Mondays

Dickinson Mondays

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

L-47 (Language and Communications Village Center)

🧡🧡Dickinson MondaysStart your week off right by group-watching an episode of the AppleTV series Dickinson--a "teen drama" retelling of…

Art Jamboree

Art Jamboree

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

Artistic Expression Village Center: Rm L21

💖💖Art JamboreeJoin other art-lovers and use the Village art supplies to do whatever creative work moves you: painting on canvas or woo…

SpongeBob Watch Party

SpongeBob Watch Party

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

L-73 (Social Sciences and Humanities Village Center)

💜💜SpongeBob Watch PartyThe Social Sciences & Humanities Village Center turns into Bikini Bottom for a weekly celebration of Sponge…

Mar 11 - Tuesday

20-minute In-person 1-on-1 advising with UC Berkeley Representative

Transfer Center, Registration & Student Services Bldg., (2nd Floor)

Join Dion Medina, UCB Transfer Specialist Counselor, for a 20-minute in-person 1:1 advising session on Tuesday, March 11th. The advising sessions are …

Games and Networking

Games and Networking

11:00 am to 12:00 pm

AT 202 (Business & Finance Village Center)

🤍🤍Games and NetworkingJoin other students for a selection of games: Jenga, cards, Uno, and more! Snacks provided!Tuesdays, 11 AM-12 PM…

Artist Talk and Creative Arts Workshop

Artist Talk and Creative Arts Workshop

Pride Center: Library 138

The Pride Center is hosting Oakland based visual artist Jorge Gomez-Gonzalez to discuss their artwork, queer representation and how to use visual arts…

World Languages Hangout

World Languages Hangout

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

L-47 (Language and Communications Village Center)

World Languages HangoutJoin other members of the De Anza community to chat in any/all of the world languages in a chill, friendly atmosphere! You don'…

Coloring Fractals

Coloring Fractals

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

S55 (Physical Sciences & Technology Village Center)

💚💚Coloring FractalsColoring isn't just for kids... Take a study break, relieve stress, and enter a flow state by coloring beautiful ge…

Pomodoro Study Session

Pomodoro Study Session

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

SEM 2 (Health & Life Sciences Village Center)

💙💙Pomodoro Study SessionJoin other students as we set the Pomodoro timer for several timed study bursts (with snack breaks in between!…

MOMENTUM: Amanda Bernardo - Immigration Justice

MOMENTUM: Amanda Bernardo - Immigration Justice

Online via Zoom

Amanda Bernardo, Deputy Director, American Bar Association Immigration Justice Project, is the guest speaker in this MOMENTUM event. The event is open…

Transfer 101 Workshop

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Online via Zoom

Join us for this workshop to learn the basics of the transfer process and how to get started. Registration for the clinic will open two weeks before t…

Mar 12 - Wednesday

Baker College & St. Francis School of Law

Baker College & St. Francis School of Law

The Baker College & St. Francis School of Law Representative will be at the Dining Hall Table #4 between the times of 10:00 am - 12:00 noon.If you…

Free Tax-Filing Assistance

Free Tax-Filing Assistance

Online via Zoom

Confused about filing your taxes?You can get free assistance with filling out your tax return by meeting with a trained volunteer with the VITA progra…

Wellness Wednesdays

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

SEM 2 (Health & Life Sciences Village Center)

💙💙Wellness WednesdayA weekly guided meditation and other wellness activities to help you stay calm and focused! Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30…

Games and Networking

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

AT 202 (Business & Finance Village Center)

🤍🤍Games and NetworkingJoin other students for a selection of games: Jenga, cards, Uno, and more! Snacks provided!Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30, …

Mar 13 - Thursday

Deaf Awareness Day

Deaf Awareness Day

Conference Rooms A&B - Hinson Campus Center

Join Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in discovering the richness of American Sign Language and Deaf culture. You can learn a few signs and learn mor…

Palo Alto University Representative Visit

Campus Center Dining Hall

Palo Alto University Representative will be tabling in the Campus Center Dining Hall from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.If you have questions or want to learn m…

Drawing Practice

11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Artistic Expression Village Center: Rm L21

💖💖Drawing PracticeJoin other artists for drawing exercises! Snacks provided!Thursdays, 11:30-12:30, Artistic Expression Village Center…


12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

L-47 (Language and Communications Village Center)

🧡🧡ScrabbleDo you love words? Games? Games with words? Join other word geeks for a friendly game of Scrabble! Snacks provided!Thursdays…


1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

L-73 (Social Sciences and Humanities Village Center)

💜💜Karaoke! Show off your karaoke skills (or just practice in a friendly atmosphere!) using the Villages' karaoke machine! Snacks provi…

Mar 14 - Friday

University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

RSS Conference Room 235

The University of British Columbia Representative will be in RSS Second Floor Room 235.If you have questions or want to learn more about The Universit…

Mar 15 - Saturday

The Little Star That Could

The Little Star That Could

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza

This is a story about Little Star, an average yellow star searching for planets of his own to protect and warm. Along the way, he meets other stars, l…

Magic Tree House

Magic Tree House

3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza

In Magic Tree House: Space Mission, a mysterious "M" sends the intrepid Jack and Annie on a fun-filled journey to discover the secrets of the Sun, Moo…

The Sun | Our Living Star

The Sun | Our Living Star

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza

The Sun has shone on our world for four and a half billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived…

Laser Stranger

Laser Stranger

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza

Enjoy a fantastic display of dazzling Laser Light images under the Planetarium dome with music selections from and inspired by the show "Stranger Thin…

Winter Concert

Winter Concert

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC)

The Music Department will hold a winter concert on Saturday, March 15, at 7 p.m., in the VPAC. Come watch concert band, the Vintage Singers, jazz ense…

Laser Pink Floyd | The Wall

Laser Pink Floyd | The Wall

8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza

Pink Floyd’s classic 1979 epic about personal struggle weaves its story in one of the most popular laser shows ever produced. Selections include…

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