Women's Soccer
Why play Community College Soccer?
”Ernst and Young report that said 94% of C-suite (Corporate Leadership) women in the Fortune 500 played sports in their lifetimes,
with 54% having played collegiately.” Andrea Brimmer, Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer, Ally Financial (Ally is a NWSL partner and a partner to the NWSL Players Association)
So when do you think Intercollegiate Athletic experience becomes a "must have" for leadership positions? When you compete for jobs, leadership positions, even internships -- what leadership experience will you have? If you interview with one of these leaders, don't you want the common intercollegiate sport experience to share and relate with them?
Meet the women of De Anza College Soccer!
Comparing student success at De Anza, Foothill, West Valley and Evergreen Valley (Data from https://www.calpassplus.org)
Getting started with one of the state's legacy Women's Soccer programs
How to Join the Team
College Soccer is a Summer-Fall Sport -- In Summer 2025, we'll have our Soccer Techniques class (PE32S CRN TBA) running Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays afternoons July 9 - Aug. 8 at appx. 10:30 AM - 1:20 PM Assistant Coach Isabel Sandez will conduct this class to prepare for the preseason. Formal preparations begin Aug. 11th in PE39W CRN TBA (12:30 PM - 3:30 PM) for the Fall season. Scrimmages start in the next week and the regualr season games start Aug. 27th. Fall practice will generally run about 12:30 -3:00 pm
All athletes take Orientation to Athletics and there is a special section for Women's Soccer conducted in August. Games begin August 27 and the regular season schedule runs thorugh Nov. 9th
For Fall 2025 Priority registration as a Student-Athlete, enroll in the Summer PE 32S, PE 99 and contact Coach Mark (landefeldmark@fhda.edu) ASAP.
During the Fall quarter, the team will meet in the PE 39W class. The Fall class ID number is (CRN tba) and it will appear in the Fall schedule of classes). Team candidates should avoid scheduling Fall Quarter classes on Tues or Friday evenings (to avoid game conflicts) and avoid any class after 11:30 AM or before 4 PM Monday-Friday for training. In order to participate in any intercollegiate competition, athletes must complete a pre-participation physical. We expect that physicals will occur in August and more information will be forthecoming. We'll travel to San Luis Obispo for a match and overnight road trip in September, prior to the start of Fall classes
First-Time intercollegiate athletes (freshman and transfers) will take PE 99 - Orientation to Athletics, 1 unit class conducted over 2-4 days and is conducted During the 3rd or 4th week of August (TBA).
For the 2025 Winter Quarter and Spring Quarters enroll in Women's Soccer Techniques (PE32S, CRN tba) with up to four days of competition in the NTS (Non-Traditional Season) and travel to expose our players to more college/university coaches. Contact Coach Mark for more information. Winter and Spring are a more relaxed developmental period for our Student-Athletes.
In the Winter-Spring quarters the team typically trains 2 days per week, (Mon, Wed, appx. 12 - 3 PM)
Scrimmages and pre-season tournaments commence in August the September trip to the Central California Coast and Coast Conference play running late-September through Mid November. The State Championships run from the third week of November through the first weekend of December.
Academic Requirements: Full-time student status (min 9 academic units and 3 units of the intercollegiate women's soccer course for a total of at least 12 quarter units during the competitive season -- Fall quarter. Freshman or first-time competitors do not have a unit requirement for the Fall, but they should earn at least a 2.0 GPA in all work attempted. Sophomores or students who wish to compete for a second season must have completed 36 academic units from Prior summer session through the Spring Quarter prior to your second season of competition. Athletes must maintain at least a 2.0 grade average. Our academic counselor, Louise Madrigal (madrigallouise@deanza.edu) can help you with more details in this area. Just call 408.864.5842.
If you have other questions, please contact Coach Mark at 408-864-8541 / landefeldmark@fhda.edu
Important dates
- Summer Session -- Women's Soccer Techniques (PE 32SX, CRN TBA) starting July 7, Women's Intercollegiate Soccer (PE 39WX, CRN TBA) Mon-Fri afternoons at 12 - 3:30 PM starting August 12th.
- Orientation to Athletics -- (PE 99) TBA -- (SUMMER SESSION in SCHEDULE OF CLASSES)