Quiz 5 Results
Below is a table showing the number of people who listed characteristics of whiteness
(stereotype of White Americans) that Nelly Wong identified in her poem "When I Was
Growing Up."
Characteristics of Whiteness | Number of People |
Pale/fair/not dark skin | 30 |
American foods | 20 |
Dresses, fancy clothes, cotton, cashmere | 19 |
Rich | 19 |
English (speaking, grammar, spelling) | 16 |
Popular in media (movies, magazines) | 14 |
Blonde hair | 13 |
Desirable, being with American men | 12 |
Sensuous lips | 11 |
American styles | 9 |
Standard, not outcast, not foreign; fitting in | 7 |
Curly hair | 6 |
Beautiful, praised for beauty | 5 |
Clean | 5 |
Living away from congestion, away from Chinatown, with white people | 4 |
American culture | 3 |
Body - not small male bodies, small bones | 3 |
Education | 3 |
Not having a dark soul | 2 |
Advantages | 1 |
Blue eyes | 1 |
Celebrities | 1 |
Facial features | 1 |
Good | 1 |
Long legs | 1 |
Majority | 1 |
Nose | 1 |
Not stereotyped | 1 |
Opportunities | 1 |
Respectable | 1 |
Round eyes | 1 |
Self-confidence | 1 |
White parents | 1 |