Notes - April 17, 2006

De Anza Academic Senate
Notes for the meeting of
April 17, 2006

Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Barney, Bryant, Capitolo, Chenoweth, Cordero, Dolen, Dunn, Fox, Goodwin, Guevara, Hearn, Jensen Sullivan, Kramer, Logvinenko, Osborne, Sheirich, Ujifusa, Winters
Senators and Officers absent: Annen, Cole, Joplin, Moreno, Mosh, Rodriguez, Setziol, Zill
Curriculum Cochair: Anu Khanna
Classified Senate:
Administrative Liaison: Christina Espinosa-Pieb
Guests: Laura Raffaelli, Rich Schroeder
The meeting was called to order at 2:35, a quorum being present.
I.   Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was approved as distributed.
The notes of the meeting of March 20, 2006 were approved with attendance of Scott Osborne noted.
II. Needs and Confirmations:
Needs:  Hearn reviewed with senators the list of divisions represented on the initial roster of those volunteering for service on the strategic planning committee and noted the need for representatives from the following areas:  counseling, IIS, BHES, PSME.  Rich Hansen presented a spreadsheet of tenure committee membership, noting the need for an additional three at-large faculty to serve.   Hearn announced that the initial Strategic Planning meeting is moved from May 4-5 to May 11-12.
Confirmations:  The following were confirmed for tenure review committees:  Randy Bryant (Bonilla), Mary Bennett (Clinchard-Sepeda), Spera Georgiou (Howland), Judith Clavijo (Lynch), Sherri Cozzens (Poe).  Additional confirmations included Karen Villaba, Sally Mercado, Cindi Kessler and Juanita Cordero for the Child Development Center Assistant Director position, and Tom Dolen for the Senior Library Technician-Acquisition position.

III.  Technology Taskforce Report – Course Management System: Chenoweth distributed a hardcopy of a Powerpoint presentation and walked senators through the final report of the Taskforce.  Moodle is the recommendation of the Taskforce for the new course management system.  The Etudes and WebCT systems will be supported for only another year or two and faculty currently using those systems would have had to move to a new system in any event.  The recommendation was approved by the Executive Committee and Hearn led the senators in thanking Chenoweth for his service.
V.  Environmental Sustainability Committee Report: Jensen Sullivan, Capitolo and Laura Raffaelli distributed a First Report to Senate document and led senators through it, highlighting the mission statement that the Committee has crafted and asking for input.  After discussion Hearn led senators in thanking the two for their service and asking that the Committee now begin looking at specific goals and actionable objectives for the campus as its next task. 

IV.  Facilities Master Plan: Hearn updated the Executive Committee on new/revised Measure C information, noting that De Anza needs an updated Facilities Master Plan in place before the first drawdown from the bond, should it pass.  She noted that the Plan will need to go through the standard PBT/Facilities Committee/governance procedures of the campus.  Discussion centered on the need to ensure faculty input into documents being prepared by deans, that while the PBTs would focus on specific requests, the Executive Committee should focus on the campus-wide facilities issues.  It was the sense of the Executive Committee that we should ask for a report from the Facilities Committee faculty members as soon as possible and that Executive Committee needs to review faculty membership on all governance committees. 
A further discussion on faculty offices ensued, noting the change from A8 to the renovated bookstore as a suggested site for faculty offices.  Senators voiced support for the change.

VI.  Instructional Testing: Hearn led the discussion of this topic and position, noting that the need for a testing center for faculty is great but tempering support by reminding senators that other needs are also great and that no program review document currently has a position for instructional testing in it.  Senators strongly believe that a position is needed and charged Hearn with getting the position included in discussions for funding with a request that the IPBT faculty representatives to report to the Executive Committees how this position would fit into the larger context of other proposals.

VII.  State Senate Resolutions: Hearn distributed documents related to the upcoming State Academic Senate discussions surrounding a proposed law to increase the part-time faculty workload from the current 60% to 80%.  There are three resolutions that will be called for a vote at the meeting in two weeks and she asked for direction from the Executive Committee.  After discussion a vote was taken on each of the three resolutions. 
The motion to approve resolution 3.03 was carried (Bryan/Khanna) with amendments to address improving part-time equity, improving diversity in hiring, and strictly implementing provisions of AB1725.  The measured passed. 
Since by now the time was short, a motion was approved to extend the Senate meeting by 10 minutes. (Goodwin/Dunn)
In the event the amendments are not accepted at the State Plenary Session, Hearn was given direction to still support the resolution as originally worded. Fox requested that the notes reflect that the three part-time faculty senators in attendance voted against it.
A motion to approve resolutions 19.01 and 20.01 was carried (Bryant, Argyriou).  Fox requested that the notes reflect that the three part-time faculty senators in attendance voted against it.
VIII – XI: delayed until another meeting.
XII.  Good of the Order:
•Hearn reminded senators that next week’s meeting will be a joint meeting with Foothill Academic Senate, at Foothill room 3403. 
•Hearn asked for scholarship readers from the group and Joplin and Dunn volunteered.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

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