Approved notes for the meeting of

October 6th , 2008

Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Botsford, Brennan, Coleman, Cordero, Dolen, Goodwin, Hanna, Hughes, Karst, Lathers, Lee-Klawender, Lee-Wheat, Liu, Logvinenko, Maynard, Miller, Mitchell Roberts, Setziol, Sherby, Walton, White, and Winters

Senators and Officers absent: Cichanski, Glapion, LaManque, Maiero, and Swanner,

DASB: Vijay Veeramachaneni Classified Senate:

Administrative Liaison: Lydia Hearn

Guests: Karl Schaffer, James Chen, Carolyn Wilkins-Greene, Wayne Chenoweth, Toni Forsyth, and Maryalice Bonilla

Curriculum Co Chair:

[NOTE: Item numbers are reflective of agenda numbers in the order they

are actually taken up at the meeting.]

The meeting was called to order at 2:36, a quorum being present.

1. Approval of Agenda and Notes: The Agenda was approved as distributed. The Notes were approved with corrections of names and committee assignments in Item II - Needs and Confirmations.

II. Needs and Confirmations: Vernon Gallegos, Anne Leskinen, and Lenore Desilets were confirmed for service on the Mehrdad Khosravi Review Committee. [Note: Prior to confirmation, questions about process in the division raised at the September 29th meeting were answered.] Kathy Plum and Gary Fisher were confirmed for service on the PSME Instructional Assistant (Classified) Search and Selection Committee. Argyriou, Dave Capitolo, Goodwin, Mae Lee, and David Stringer were confirmed for service on the Vice President for Instruction Search and Selection Committee. Lee-Klawender, Kulwant Singh, and Glapion were confirmed for service on the Vice President for Student Services Search and Selection Committee. Dolen was confirmed as the Tech Task force co chair.

III. Student Learning Outcomes: The content of the item quickly changed from the intended item to one of questions and concerns about the status of the Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator position and of the 2007-2008 coordinator, Maryalice Bonilla. Maryalice distributed documents and presented her perspective on the position and her status relative to it.

Lydia Hearn clarified that, although administration is responsible for reassigned time, Senate leadership is primarily relied upon in determining all details of this particular position since it is dedicated to something for which the Senate has primary responsibility.

Wayne Chenoweth, 2007-2008 Academic Senate President, was present to assist in clarifying what the task was for the officers over the summer. Argyriou pointed to a projected copy of the original description of the position. Differences of opinion were stated repeatedly with regard to what was supposed to have been done by whom at what time and frustrations were expressed over the ambiguity of the original language. Argyiou explained that, following the charge stated in the original description of the position, the officers assessed the level and nature of the reassigned time for the position and, based on recommendations made by Khanna (Curriculum Committee Co Chair) and Statewide Academic Senate people, decided to split the position into two, one for Student Services and one for Instruction. Various opinions were stated about this decision and concerns were expressed about the timing of it and the relationship of the decision with Maryalice Bonilla and whether or not she would continue or be reinstated in the position. Lydia Hearn clarified that it would be at least theoretically possible for a person's reassigned time and classroom teaching assignment to change mid quarter. She mentioned overload pay and permanent substitutes.

Much of the way into the discussion, Argyriou spoke to a document distributed at the beginning of the item. The document was intended to further the discussion of Student Learning Outcomes. She used it to point to the need to make the decision that was made.

Decisions about at least a temporary reinstatement of Bonnilla and about splitting the position or keeping it singular were suggested but not made.

Throughout the discussion, concerns about mixing structure and process with what is a sensitive personnel issue were expressed.

IV. Courses Into Disciplines: The item was held over due to a lack of time.

V. Senate Orientation: The item was held over due to a lack of time.

VI. Memorial Service Funding: After Setziol indicated that the opening balance in the private account was approximately $15, 400, it was MSCU (Winters/Goodwin) to donate some as yet to be determined amount of money to a memorial service for Jean Miller.

VII. Good of the Order and announcements: - Argyriou distributed flyers describing the youth vote activities of the week.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30.

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