General Meeting Information

Date: June 11, 2024
Time: 10-11:20 a.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:00 Welcome and Membership Reminder I/D Mieso
    10:00 Approval of Minutes I/D/A Newell
    10:00-10:10 Instructional Resource Requests I/D Woodbury

    Final presentations for outstanding questions

    I/D Newell

    Small Groups Finalize Priority Levels

    I/D Mieso

    Reconciliation Group 1&2, 3&4




    Reconilation Group 1&3, 2&4



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Attendance, Voting Members

    Robert Alexander, Adam Contreras, Alicia De Toro, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Melinda Hughes, Michele LeBleu-Burns, Debbie Lee, Tina Lockwood, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Van Loc Nguyen, Izat Rasyad, Daniel Solomon, Aditya Sharma, Tim Shively, Bidya Subedi, Kate Wang, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury

    Welcome and Membership Reminder

    Mallory Newell reminded RAPP members to check their membership for anyone who may be stepping off. They should notify their constituency groups to get those positions filled early in the fall.

    Approval of 6/4/24 minutes

    Minutes approved with updates

    Instructional Resource Requests

    Lydia Hearn went over the proposed allocation for the Instructional Equipment Requests.

    The original requests totaled $2.2 million. She kept only the needed ones and not the desired ones. That filtered the requests down to $1.74 million. Working with the deans, they removed more items to reduce the request further to $1.5 million. Then, they were able to move $616,000 to Strong Workforce and Perkins funds. 

    That brought the total Instructional Equipment requests down to $904,000. The Instructional Equipment fund has $1 million available. That leaves $100,000 for the VPI contingency fund. 

    Some of the items removed included an additional set of washer and dryer for Athletics. They could use the contingency money in case the current set breaks down. Another big item was the planetarium projector estimated at close to $400,000. They were able to split the cost between two years.

    Lydia was prepared to cover with the contingency fund the cost of replacing some old equipment that are near or have passed their life expectancy. She wanted to be prudent with this fund since unlike the lottery money, the instructional equipment dollars are not guaranteed every year.

    Tim Shively moved to approve the Instructional Equipment Requests.. No objection. They will make the request recommendation to the College Council.

    Final Presentations for Outstanding Questions

    PE and Kinesiology
    Eric Mendoza

    Sr. Admin Assistant

    Athletic Trainer

    The PE department has been operating under a staffing model that has not changed or evolved since the 1980s. They have lost their competitive edge for recruiting and have been losing student athletes to other schools. The current staffing could not support their growing year-round programs. Without additional staffing they will continue to lose people due to burnout and low morale. These positions will support their students and staff.

    Student Development
    Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Health Promotion Specialist

    This is a position that's been a long time coming. They had more staffing in the health center before. Currently they have 4 staff members that include the clinic director, one nurse practitioner, one medical assistant and one administrative assistant. That is really understaffed for the amount of work they do with the students. They will be down to 3 staff members when the nurse practitioner leaves to move out of the area.

    This position addresses the recent state and federal mandates on health promotion in relations to abuse prevention, drug abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention education. This individual will also promote services for mental health. Mental health is a crisis for students, especially the most marginalized students. 51% of students face mental health barriers that impede their academic success. 

    This position would help address those issues by promoting services and resources on and off campus that would help students be able to access mental health and other types of support along with sexual assault prevention and also drug abuse and alcohol prevention, which is prevalent among students.

    Tim Shively pointed out the fact that the state is imposing these mandates without including any source of funding for them. He wondered why the law required the community college system to do these orientations for the students, but it's advisory for the UCs.

    Michele LeBleu-Burns was also surprised  by the law. She also noted that these issues have become more prevalent since the pandemic.

    Admin Service

    Martin Varela

    Accounting Positions

    These two positions were originally funded by the college General Fund. In 1994 because of the budget reduction, the college requested DASG to help support these positions. However, student funds have reduced with declining enrollment. Therefore, they are requesting a shift of the funding of these positions from DASG back to the original college funding. 

    Students could focus their resources on their activities. These two positions directly support DASG, the clubs, and the flea market.

    Small Groups Finalize Priority Levels

    Each small group, 1-4, worked in separate breakout rooms to finalize their ranking for the positions. 

    Reconciliation Group 1&3, 2&4

    When the small groups completed their ranking, groups 1&3  and groups 2&4 worked on reconciliation.   

    Reconciliation Group 1&2, 3&4

    The groups switched to work on reconciliation.

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Meeting ID: 844 3073 3137
Passcode: 090465

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