General Meeting Information
Date: November 12,
Time: 10-11:20
Location: Online Only
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 10:00-10:05 Approval of Minutes from November 5, 2024 I/D/A Woodbury 10:05-10:15 Review Faculty Positions Submitted for Fall 2024 I/D Newell 10:15-11:20 Small group work
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Attendance, Voting Members:
Sam Bliss,, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Zachary Ho, Simon Kang’a, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Van Nguyen, Aditya Sharma, Daniel Solomon, Tim Shively, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury
Absent: Sushini Chand, Adam Contreras, Nazy Galoyan
Agenda and Minutes
Erik Woodbury started the meeting with a review of the agenda for the day. After some instructions the committee will start their small group work to review the positions that were submitted.
Approval of Minutes from November 5, 2024. No questions, corrections, or additions. Minutes approved.
Review Faculty Positions Submitted for Fall 2024
RAPP received 10 faculty requests in this round. The committee was divided into 3 work groups to review the position requests. Each member received a link to their group assignment and a folder with the position requests for their group to review. Each group included representation from administration, classified professional, affinity groups, students, and faculty. They tried not to put a member in a group with requests from their own department.
Mallory Newell went over again instruction to complete the Personnel Request Prioritization Position Tracking Sheet. In the last meeting Mallory provided in-depth explanation and instruction on the review process. In the October 29 meeting the entire group worked together to complete the Music and Photography Comprehensive Program Review and Feedback forms as part of their training. She reminded the committee that the brief summaries explaining how they arrived at their ranking will be made public and will be submitted to the College Council.
Meeting Time Conflict
Lydia Hearn acknowledged and apologized to the classified professionals in the room for the time conflict the RAPP meeting had with the open forum scheduled for the classified professionals to meet the presidential candidate. People may still attend the afternoon open forum in person or watch the live stream.
There was not enough time to cancel or change the RAPP meeting.
Small group work
The 3 small groups worked in breakout rooms. RAPP has designated 4 meetings to review and prioritize the position requests. Each position will be reviewed by 2 groups. If the prioritization does not align, the 2 groups will meet to reconcile the ranking.
The meeting adjorned aqt 11:20 am.
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 878 7500 9960
Passcode: 022375