General Meeting Information

Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 10:00-11:20
Location: Zoom ONLY

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:00-11:20 Small Group Discussion on Personnel Prioritizations I/D All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Voting Members:

    Sam Bliss, Jayme Brow, Sushini Chand, Adam Contreras, Nazy Galoyan, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Zachary Ho, Adrienne Hypolite, Simon Kang’a, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Mallory Newell, Van Nguyen, Aditya Sharma, Daniel Solomon, Tim Shively, Martin Varela, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury

    Absent: Rob Mieso

    Process for 12/3//24

    RAPP committee members completed their small group discussion on personnel prioritizations in the previous meetings. Groups 2 and 3 reconciled and aligned their position ranking in the 11/26/24 meeting. Groups 1 and 2, and Groups 1 and 3 will complete their reconciliation in this meeting.

    RAPP will need to finish their work and present their recommendation to the College Council for their January meeting.

    The tri-chairs went over the following Consideration, the Process, and the Goal for this round of position prioritization to be completed in this and the next two meetings in January.

    • This round between 10-20% of the positions (approximately 1 to 2 out of 10) could be allocated to non-instructional or classified/admin positions 
    1. Reconciliation for fall positions in small groups.
    2. Review all positions (fall and prior spring) in large group
    3. Submit via email to the tri-chairs any positions that you would like to discuss moving from low or moderate to high.
    4. Create 2 groups of only high positions for: instruction, non-instructional/classified/administrators.
    5. Create 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority buckets with 5 positions in each bucket of instructional positions.
    6. Create a 1st priority bucket with 3 positions comprising non-instructional, classified and administrator positions.
    • Advance 4 buckets to College Council by mid-January 2025

    There was a concern over how separating the positions into instructional and non-instructional buckets may affect the overall ranking for the individual positions. Some positions may be elevated or lowered in the separate buckets.

    The reason for the separate buckets was to keep track to stay in compliance with the 50% Law.

    Small Group Reconciliation on Personnel Prioritizations

    Groups 1 and 3, then Groups 1 and 2 worked in the breakout room to reconcile positions 4 and  9.

    Full Committee Discussion

    The small groups returned to the main room to review the position rankings. First, the fall position requests. Then, the combined position rankings from this fall and last spring.  

    Committee members were instructed to review and submit in writing to the tri-chairs with justification for any positions they would like to move from low or moderate to high. They may also argue for moving a position from high to moderate or low.

    Representatives should communicate with their constituents to get feedback on the rankinings. Anyone wanting a position to be discussed, should reach out to and coordinate with their representative on the committee. 

    RAPP voting members should submit their emails and justifications to the tri-chairs by December 13, the last day of the quarter. 

    The tri-chairs will review those arguments and bring them back for discussion in January. 

    In the January meeting they will finalize the high list and continue with step 4. They will create 2 separate groups of high positions, instructional and non-instructional/admin/classified. For the instructional, there will be a first, a second, and a third priority bucket for a total of 15 positions

    Current count of high positions:

    • 17 instructional faculty
    • 4 non-instructional faculty
    • 2 admin/classified
    • total: 23

    Estimated positions available: 10

    Faculty positions in the first bucket most likely will be approved. Some in the second bucket may get funded. Those in the third bucket may get in if there is extra money. 

    The final decision is up to the college council. That's why the 300 word summaries are so important in the decision process.

    Upcoming Timeline

    The committee will finish this round of prioritization in January. Switch over to program reviews that will be due January 30. Followed by instructional material requests. Then, personnel prioritizations for the spring.

    The tri-chairs thank the committee for their hard work. Wishes for a happy holiday and much deserved break to all.

Meeting URL: 

Meeting ID: 878 7500 9960
Passcode: 022375

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