General Meeting Information

Date: November 16, 2021
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00-2:05 Welcome and Introductions I/D Palmore
    2:05-2:15 Zoom Spaces Update I/D Wallace
    2:15-2:30 SRRR Initiative Update
    Justice-Involved Program
    Foster Youth
    2:30-2:45 Fall Village Events Recap I/D Khanna
    2:45-2:55 Gratitude Giveaway Update I/D Khanna
    2:55-3:10 Student Focus Group - Student Hiring Update


    3:10-3:25 Report on Intersegmental Team's High School Teacher Workshop


    3:25-3:30 Good of the Order



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Guided Pathways Team Core Meeting

    November 16, 2021

    A Guided Pathways Team Core Meeting was held on November 16, 2021 via Zoom.

    Call to Order:  

    The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m. by Kim Palmore, co-coordinator of Guided Pathways. 

    Roll Call:  

    Kim Palmore, Sarah Wallace, Patty Guitron, Eric Mendoza, Walter Gonzalez, Erick Aragon, Marisa Spatafore, Anu Khanna, Lydia Hearn, Alex Harrell, Chanel Huynh, Hyon Chu Yi-Baker, Deepa Yuvaraj, Randy Bryant, Chia Wen, Nina Van, Jose Juarez, Betty Inoue, Felisa Vilaubi, Karen Chow, Deborah Taylor, Fatemeh Yarahmadi, Nazy Galoyan, Claudia Guzman, Adriana Ohlone, Mallory Newell, Brian Malone, Brandon Bailey, Cheryl Balm, Casie Wheat, Deborah Armstrong, Alejandra Rueda Guerrero, Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Julie Keiffer-Lewis, Lisa Castro, Jayme Brown.  

    1. Welcome 
    2. Update on on-campus Zoom spaces
    3. S3RInitiative Update: Justice-Involved Program  
    4. Fall Village events recap 
    5. Giveaway update
    6. Student Focus GroupInitiative: Hiring student worker’s update
    7. Report back onIntersegmental teacher event
    8. Good of the Order 


    Kim Palmore welcomed everyone and gave an overview of the agenda.

    Update on on-campus Zoom spaces:  

    Sarah Wallace provided an update on on-campus Zoom spaces. Thus far, spaces have been identified and the next step is to work with Brandon and the rest of the Communications team to create a map to help advertise to students. Indoor spaces will be located on the main floor of the ATC building and the 1st & 2nd floor of the MLC building, as well as the campus center. Outside spaces have also been identified and Sarah will be working  with Tina Lockwood to identify a list of outdoor tables that can be used for outdoor Zoom spaces. All the areas identified will have power outlets where students can charge their laptops.  

    S3R Initiative update: Justice Involved and Foster Youth 

    The S3R Team has been working closely with the Guardian Scholar Program in supporting current and former foster youth. They now seek to provide supportive resources and create a justice involved program that supports formerly incarcerated, and system impacted individuals. Jesus Ruelas from Outreach has been doing a lot of this work already. Claudia Guzman reached out to Manuel Carlon, cofounder of Get Connected, a re-entry program at Los Angeles Trade Tech College that supports formerly incarcerated students and was able to set up a meeting with him and the rest of the team. Manuel agreed to continue meeting with the S3R Team and share his experience starting the re-entry program at LATTC. He will also help the team create a working relationship with student services and build a collaboration with probation, and the courthouse. The S3R Team hopes to use funding from AB-417 Rising Scholars Network which provides categorical funding that serves justice involved students. They hope to have a final proposal for this initiative soon.  

    Fall Village events recap: 

    Brian Malone provided an update on the Village events. Each village has had the opportunity to host at least one event and each event has been a success with many attendees. As of today, there are over 120 registered for the next Village event. As events are being planned, all supporting documentation should be stored in individual folders for record keeping purposes. This will be the Post Event Documentation folder where feedback, blueprints, event documents, event flyers, and everything related to that event will be stored and used as reference for future event planning. New Canvas Shell Event Promotion Policies will be implemented. If a Village wants to promote a specific event on their Canvas page, they should contact the Canvas team. 

    Gratitude Giveaway update: 

    In the spirit of gratitude, the Villages are sponsoring a Gratitude Giveaway digital scavenger hunt this month. One student in each Village will win a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 tablet. The objective of this digital scavenger hunt is to promote the Villages, familiarize students with the Canvas Shells and content, and generate enthusiasm and create community. The scavenger hunt will consist of sprinkled letters throughout Villages Canvas pages and videos that will spell a secret Village phrase when combined. Students will submit entries via a Canvas quiz and one winner in each Village will be randomly drawn from correct answers. There are currently over 200 entries across all Villages as of today. Please encourage students to play the Village Connect game by joining and logging into their Village Canvas sites. Also asking the senates to promote to faculty and classified professionals via their newsletter as well as the Office of Communications to promote it via Quick News. 

    Student Focus Group Initiative: Hiring student worker’s update

    Student job opportunity applications are now closed. A total of 80 students have applied for a job this quarter. The Student Focus Group will be contacting candidates for interviews soon. They are looking for student candidates in groups that have been historically marginalized or underserved as their main objective is to advance equity on campus. The next step is to screen and prep for interviews. The “Frosh” Orientation survey was served to over 2000 students. A total of 121 students responded and are now eligible for a chance to win a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 tablet for a total of 3 winners. A total of 42 students who expressed interest in the focus group study will receive a $25 Bookstore gift card. 
    Deans, Faculty, and Staff were contacted and informed about the CTE Focus Group. Thus far, only 11 students have responded, 3 Focus Group sessions have been completed for a total of 6 participants who will receive a $25 Bookstore gift card. The next steps are to finish with CTE and Frosh Student Focus Group Sessions, analyze the results after Thanksgiving, and share findings in early Winter quarter. 

    Report back on Intersegmental teacher event:

    The Intersegmental Team provided a brief reflection on the High School Partnership Workshop that was held on Saturday, November 13, 2021. Everyone who attended had a great experience and everyone had the opportunity to share. They discussed the impact the pandemic has had on student success and the impact it has had on teachers and their teaching. They also discussed the importance of AB-705 and how this law requires the community college to place students in transfer-level courses in English and math. The Intersegmental Team hopes they can continue to host High School Partnership Workshops and build a bridge between high schools and De Anza. 

    Good of the Order: 

    No follow up questions.


    The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

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