Leadership and Management in Nursing Clinical

Course Description

This prelicensure preceptorship course is designed to prepare the student to function as a graduate nurse. Students will provide safe patient-centered, evidence-based nursing care for patients under the guidance of a registered nurse working in the community and supervised by the faculty liaison. The student will work on the day, evening or night shift, depending on the schedule of the assigned preceptor. Settings assigned may include acute care, sub-acute/post-acute care, rehabilitation nursing, surgical centers, hospice care, or other community settings. Learning experiences may be enhanced with clinical simulations and observation activities; in simulated lab experiences, the student will assist with running the simulation activity. Both NURS 96L and NURS 96 must be taken and passed concurrently within the same quarter (failure of either component requires both courses to be retaken).

Class Details

CRN Course Section Days Times Instructor Loc
47361 NURS 96L 55F ·TW···· 06:30 AM-01:20 PM Sandra Jung HOSP

Class Dates: This class runs from 2025-04-07 to 2025-06-27.
NURS 96L.-55F: See "Clinical Schedule" posted on Canvas for clinical meeting patterns. Note: This course is in-person with some online components. This means that students are expected to be on campus as well as have access to online instructional activities. Students may be required to complete online instructional content via Canvas. Registration is limited to students who have completed program prerequisites and have been accepted into the Nursing Program.

Class Materials

This course either has not submitted any materials to the bookstore for use or is using Open Education Resources. Please check with the instructor.

View textbook and/or other materials available at the Bookstore.

Course Details

4.5 Units
  • Weekly Lecture Hours: 0
  • Weekly Lab Hours: 14
(Formerly NURS D086L.)
Program Status
Program Applicable
Credit - Degree Applicable
Grading Method
Letter Grading

Requisite and Advisory

NURS 95. and NURS 95L
NURS 96.
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