Increasing Connections Between Majors, Careers, and Certificate Attainment

  • This action plan will enhance connections between majors and career attainment by using the area of interest-based Villages to generate clusters of courses to create certificates that demonstrate learned knowledge or acquired skills in a specific area.
  • A Village Center club will facilitate peer support and mentorship, while also offering networking opportunities with faculty and staff. Special attention via directed outreach will be given to underrepresented and underserved groups, ensuring equitable access to resources and support. By providing clear pathways to an area of interest certificate and fostering a supportive community, the plan should improve retention, persistence, and student success rates, ultimately enriching students' academic and professional experiences.
  • An enhanced sense of belonging and community within Villages plays a crucial role in bolstering retention rates among students. By fostering a supportive environment and facilitating connections with peers who share similar interests, feelings of isolation are minimized, and engagement is heightened. Moreover, clear pathways to certificates help clarify career options that align with students' majors and passions, and serve as powerful motivators for persistence. Providing students with tangible goals and a sense of purpose for their academic endeavors can significantly increase their commitment to achieving success. Additionally, the presence of support mechanisms within Villages, including Village Center clubs, peer mentoring and opportunities for peer collaboration, further enhances student success rates. By offering personalized guidance and assistance, these support structures empower students to overcome challenges and navigate their academic journeys more effectively, ultimately contributing to higher rates of achievement and satisfaction.
  • By implementing this action plan, we aim to create a cohesive system where students can explore their interests, connect with career opportunities, and achieve tangible credentials through certificate programs. The focus on Village support, particularly for underrepresented and underserved groups, ensures that all students have access to the resources and guidance they need to thrive academically and professionally. Ultimately, this initiative will not only enhance students' educational experiences but also contribute to their long-term success in their chosen careers.

This Action Plan contains the following components

Developing Certificate Programs:

  • Design certificate programs tailored to each Village's focus area, incorporating relevant coursework, internships, and experiential learning opportunities.
  • Certificates will provide tangible credentials demonstrating proficiency in a particular field, enhancing students' competitiveness in the job market.

Integration with Major/Career Exploration:

  • Integrate Village activities with major and career exploration initiatives, facilitating connections between academic coursework and real-world applications.
  • Provide resources and guidance for students to explore potential career pathways within their chosen field of interest.

Village Support Mechanisms:

  • Implement regular Village meetings to foster peer support, mentorship, and collaboration among students within each Village.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities with alumni, industry professionals, and faculty members through guest speaker events, workshops, and panel discussions.

Focus on Underrepresented and Underserved Groups:

  • Offer specialized support and resources within Villages to address the unique needs and challenges faced by underrepresented and underserved student populations.
  • Provide mentorship programs, academic advising, and access to scholarships and financial assistance to ensure equitable opportunities for all students.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Establish metrics to track student participation, certificate attainment rates, and career outcomes for Village members.
  • Gather feedback from students to continuously improve and refine Village programs and support services.

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

organizing and strategizing

Fall 2024

Winter 2025

Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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