Improve English and Math Completion

Clarify ‘new student’ pathway to encourage English and math completion as soon as possible. Students are putting off enrollment in math and English which impacts their progress and our SCFF funding. Currently, there is no focus on the importance of completing math and English in the first year within high school outreach or orientation. This plan hopes to identify barriers that are inhibiting students from completing both English and Math in their first year.

We will work with the Office of Outreach and the Office of Communications to produce and post updated student onboarding materials and messaging (printed and web-based) for new students at the high schools, and embedded the messaging into the orientation process.

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Develop survey of new students on reasons they are waiting to take English and Math (i.e. what’s getting in the way? Do they have enough information? Can they register?)

Fall 2024

Administer survey of new students on reasons they are waiting to take English and Math (i.e. what’s getting in the way? Do they have enough information? Can they register?)

Winter 2025

From the survey, identify ways to counteract identified student barriers (i.e. guidance on course selection and scheduling, math anxiety, registration issues, etc.)

Spring 2025

Develop training material to train other support service areas through workshops and presentations at meetings and in-service training (MPS, EPS, Guided Pathways, etc.) and with discipline departments (math, English) to encourage students to start English and math in their first year.

Fall 2025

Administer training material to train other support service areas through workshops and presentations at meetings and in-service training (MPS, EPS, Guided Pathways, etc.) and with discipline departments (math, English) to encourage students to start English and math in their first year.

Winter 2026

Provide ongoing training. Monitor changes in student completion of English and Math in first year.

Spring 2026

Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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