Online and/or Hybrid Requests ONLY

For courses requesting an online and/or hybrid mode of delivery outside of a 5-year revision, the appropriate form located in Adobe Sign Faculty Forms must be received by the Curriculum Office, no later than the third-week of the quarter prior to its offering.

EXCEPTION: For courses wishing to be offered as online and/or hybrid in the fall quarter, completed forms must be received no later than the third-week of spring quarter, because the Curriculum Committee does not meet for review in the summer quarter.

  1. Go to MyPortal -> Faculty -> Adobe Sign Faculty Forms ->
    • For hybrid - start the De Anza Curriculum DE Hybrid Form
    • For online - start the De Anza Curriculum DE Online Form

  2. Once the Online Education Division Dean has approved the request, the form will be automatically routed to the Curriculum Office.

  3. After the form has been received by the Curriculum Office, it will be placed on the Curriculum Committee's agenda for approval. For ONLY an online and/or hybrid request (not part of a revision), you do not need to be in attendance for the meeting.

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