About Me


I'm a part-time instructor in the English Department at DeAnza College, and my primary interests are in theatre and in the connections between the arts/humanities and science. I have taught literature and writing at UC Santa Cruz and Script Analysis for actors at Berkeley Rep School of Theatre, and sometimes work in theatre as a script consultant/researcher (dramaturg) and as an actor. My additional background is in writing and medieval/Renaissance literature. I was born in San Francisco and currently live in Santa Cruz, where I try to spend as much time as possible outside enjoying our natural world!

At DeAnza I teach Intro to Dramatic Literature, where we read some foundational plays in the history of world theatre alongside contemporary plays dealing with our current social and political context, thinking about the plays not just as literary works but as active and embodied texts to be performed. I also teach EWRT 211, EWRT 1A, and EWRT 2, focusing on themes such as human/animal relationships and writing about controversies in science.

Classes I Teach

Winter 2025

33957EWRT 1A52ZComposition and Reading

Course Syllabi

Faculty Info

De Anza icon, stylized arches

Maria Frangos






  • B.A. University of California San Diego, 1994
  • PhD University of California Santa Cruz, 2008

Office Hours

Spring 2018

By appointment

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