General Meeting Information

Date: April 13, 2020
Time: 2:30 pm -4:30 pm
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 23, 2020 Meeting A Chow, All
    2:35 - 2:45 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All
    2:45 - 2:55

    Needs and Confirmations

    I/D/A Pape
    2:55 -3:20

    Grade Options and Possible Academic Senate Recommendations for Spring 2020 

    I/D Chow, Galoyan
    3:20 - 3:45

    Spring Quarter Schedule & Finals Week & Possible Academic Senate Recommendations

    I/D Chow
    3:45 - 4:00 

    Proposal for Academic Senate Endorsement of Creation of New Board Policy To Review Student Wages Annually

    I/D Kolar
    4:00 - 4:25

    Distance Education & Professional Development Trainers & Support Staff/Faculty Impacts & Academic Senate Appreciation 

    I/D Argyriou

    Good of the Order




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

    NOTE:Dear Senators and Guests:

     This Monday's Academic Senate Meeting will be available for you to participate in via Confer Zoom. Per Governor Newsom's emergency order for COVID19 sheltering in place, holding this meeting in Confer Zoom satisfies Brown Act requirements requiring a publicly accessible meeting location.  
    If you wish to join via ConferZoom, below are instructions.  Voting for any Motions made during the meeting will be done via the Chat feature of ConferZoom, and I will explain how that will work at the start of our meeting.


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  • Minutes

    Minutes for April 13, 2020 Meeting

    I. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 23, 2020 Meeting

    • Agenda amended to table agenda item: Proposal for Academic Senate Endorsement of Creation of New Board Policy to Review Student Wages Annually.
    • Agenda approved.
    • Minutes approved.

     II. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Instructors are not required to take attendance. Instructors should be very specific about what assignments, what activities, and what lectures are required; need to be very clear about expectations. For example, if an instructor wants to drop students for non participation, faculty need to state upfront in the syllabus what is required to be completed each week in order to stay in the class.
    • Susan asked about the attendance requirement for spring quarter.
    • Karen will bring the issue to Lorrie Ranck to check in with the deans.
    • Comments in chat indicated that other students are also bringing up the same issue. An instructor has the right to, but can only, hold synchronous meetings during scheduled times. Instructors should notify their deans with any issues.
    • Thomas clarified that instructors do not have the option of choosing a synchronous time outside of the original schedule.
    • Terrence brought up the issue of instructors changing scheduled meeting times into times that conflict with other classes. One of his students reported that her teacher that morning rescheduled their synchronous meeting into Terence’s class time.
    • Thomas asked Dawn to speak on better practices for participation in online or hybrid classes, such as, how do faculty enforce participation expectations, especially if they have not taught online before.
    • Dawn: faculty can offer a number of ways for students to engage; share with students the expectation for participation. First, understand how students will be coming into the sessions, meeting them there and offering them multiple ways to engage; for synchronous meetings, could be in chat or breakout rooms; for asynchronous, provide options in Canvas. The objective is to get students engaged with course content.
    • Thomas suggested bringing questions on best practices to faculty mentors in each division. These are faculty hired as mentors to support faculty on online and Canvas teaching this quarter. The deans will be sending out the information on division faculty mentors.

    III. Needs and Confirmations

    • On the timeline for the tenure committee. Ideally, have some, if not all, of the committees formed and approved by the end of June, so that they are ready to proceed in the Fall.
    • There are at least 8 people up for tenure in the Fall and would need tenure review committees; have encouraged the deans through Lorrie to start considering people for those tenure committees; also, a heads up to think ahead for anyone who may be interested in serving.
    • The committee meets in the spring quarter to review submissions and reach agreement on the number of units awarded.
    • The Academic Senate Executive Committee will appoint the faculty member at the Monday, April 20 meeting.
    • Karen has sent out the call for volunteers and the link to the form last week; deadline to apply, Friday April 17, 5 pm. The link to the application form is also on the Academic Senate website.
    • The committee will consist of the VP of instruction, an FA representative (Tim Shively from English,) and 2 additional faculty volunteers; looking for faculty from STEM (math/sciences), Creative Arts, Humanities, and CTE disciplines for discipline/diversity/representation.
    • The committee is being reformulated to better reflect expertise needed to review scholarly and other publication submissions.
    • Two faculty volunteers are needed for the PGA Committee that reviews publications submitted on Agreement Appendix 03 for assignment of PGA credit.
    • Mary presented Treasury Report 3/3/2020, pointing out the starting balance, income from dues, expenses, and total ending balance.
    • Mary will check into the bank fee question raised in chat.  She also explained that the income comes from the winter quarter dues.

    IV. Grade Options and Possible Academic Senate Recommendations for Spring 2020

    • Betty added to information regarding CSU and UC.  It is very complicated; CSU is much clearer; they will accept P/NP for the Golden Four, General Ed and even major classes. P/NP is different from EW.
    • All that information must be clearly communicated to the students, so that they understand what they are doing. Students need to be made aware that, If they take the Pass mode for a class like Math that is major related, and that class is not accepted by the UC, and they cannot retake that class, they may be creating more problems.
    • CSU has a blanket policy; they will accept Pass grade mode for even the Golden Four. It is easier with CSU, there is one rule for all. UC does not have a blanket policy, each UC has its own rules and policies. UC has stated that they will accept Pass grade for transfer requirements for up to 21 units; some of the schools will not accept Pass grades for majors; that creates discrepancies between schools. There are no words from private schools.
    • Shagun asked: although students have the P/NP option; is it still not recommended for classes like oral communication?
    • Any student may request Pass or NoPass retroactively; any grade could be changed to P/NP. Students who receive a Pass cannot retake the class.
    • Academic Standing will be suspended for Winter quarter. The Chancellor’s Office is very clear, and expressed in very strong language regarding all the grades that have been affected in the COVID-19 school terms. “Colleges should not be punishing students and putting them on probation because of their winter quarter grades.”  Therefore, the college will not process probation or dismissal for winter.
    • The executive order from the Chancellor’s came in on 3/26, the day before the last day of winter quarter; the executive order suspended the 30% rule for Pass/NoPass option; students may request P/NP retroactively for winter classes. Nazy is working with Marketing to develop an online petition form. P/NP must be requested by students. Students must sign the form to confirm that they have read and understood all the implications of the P/NP graded mode.  Faculty do not have to approve or deny the request. Faculty has submitted grades. Grades are not being changed, only the grade mode, adding one more layer, for only P or NP to be visible on the student record. Grades C or better will be P; grades less than C will be NP. In addition,
    • The Chancellor’s office also has given all community colleges an extension on requests for Pass/No Pass grade.
    • Winter quarter, the withdrawal option was extended to April 5, whereby a student who has not requested a withdrawal may request and be granted an excused withdrawal EW. The students made their requests directly to Nazy Galoyan and she did what was necessary to process the EW.
    • Cynthia appreciated the efforts to clarify the policy and the warning. However, there has been frustration from students regarding new policies being put on the web page. Students don't know and won’t look for information there; students do not know what they don’t know.  She asked about the ways to push this new information to the students.
    • Karen asked for student comments for communication to students and their knowledge of P/NP.
    • Paige only heard about emergency withdrawal EW in senate chats; it would be nice and important to have very clear information communicated to the students regarding their options.
    • Nazy is still working to clarify the information and on the petition form; once that is done, they will work with the Office of Communication to push this information out; not just on the website, could include text, email, and willing to discuss other ways of communication.
    • Betty: Information has been coming in and out, the UCs have been updating; still waiting for more information. Counselling is working on a newsletter to send out to transfer center students; could also send out to all students about how to move forward.
    • Mary P suggested having a check box in the form for students to indicate that they have read and understand how that may affect their transfer. The best way to send P/NP option information would be through the faculty; it is more difficult for an instructor to bring up withdrawal with students, the instructor would rather encourage and help a student complete the course.
    • Karen expressed the need for clarity for everyone, student, faculty, staff, and even administrators; what are retro options for winter and options for spring quarter?
    • Nazy: for the Spring, students can select the Pass/NoPass option online in the portal.
    • Nazy will bring the list of questions to the Chancellor’s meeting today. All the exceptions are worded for semester schools. She will need clarifications for the quarter system.
    • There were questions and discussions about N/NP and EW options and Senate recommendations for the spring quarter.
    • Nazy will double check and confirm with the Chancellor's Office. Both options could be available for spring.  However, students need to fully understand what they are signing up for.  There are no reversals.  There are other possible consequences, like financial aid, etc. EW is better than W; with EW students can repeat the course. 
    • Karen mentioned how some schools like LA unified; will not be giving any F, failing grades for spring; some schools of higher education may also be doing the same. What AS recommendations may best serve students in this pandemic crisis; failing could be traumatic to students at this time. Karen will be bringing this topic back for more discussion and recommendation.
    • Karen thanked Nazy for coming to the meeting and for bringing the questions to the Chancellor’s Office.

    V. Spring Quarter Schedule & Finals Week & Possible Senate Recommendations

    • Karen: It is a suggestion, a clarification, not a rule. It is not making people change their syllabus.  This is an unprecedented quarter, that has made an unprecedented move. The quarter started one week later, but have kept the same academic schedule, so that finals week is still the same. Some faculty still are not aware that finals week is still the same and may be pushing the schedule into the next quarter. The statement, recommendation would provide clarification and guidance.
    • There is objection over the appropriate timing for such a recommendation. The syllabus has been established and gone out.  Faculty has made a contract with students that describes the program; AS should not now tell instructors how to deliver content (asynchronously) in the final week.
    • Karen asked if there are objections from the executive committee voting members to a follow up action item on the above discussion next week. The recommendation will ask faculty to treat final week as final exam week; to hold final assessment on the date as scheduled; and to try as much as possible to keep that week only for final exam, final assessment or final project, and not introduce new course content that week.
    • Shagun and Anne pointed out the need for clarification on class hours requirements to be communicated to faculty, especially adjuncts.
    • Karen forwarded to Senate members Thomas’ Welcome Message that included a chart showing the number of office hours required per load. Faculty are required to hold synchronous office hours this quarter.
    • The new dean SS/humanities Dr. Elvin Ramos has started. Karen noted at least one adjunct not getting information and needing clarification and help.  Karen will notify the new dean.
    • Thomas: the actual hours people worked are not being monitored except for synchronously scheduled meetings; faculty are expected to show up for those times; the focus is on meeting learning outcomes and course objectives.
    • Erik: Course Outlines do have designated class hours expected from the students. However, the transferring institutions are interested in more about meeting course objectives, not how many hours spent in a classroom.
    • Shagun wanted clarity on expected hours of contact; are faculty still obligated to “in hours” per week as stated in the course outline?
    • Erik: Course Outline of Record is the determining factor. Faculty impacted by holiday schedules often have less time to cover the same amount of materials. Faculty need to meet the course objectives in the COR with regards to the articulation agreement and the SLOs even with one less week; faculty may need to cut some activities, make some compromises.
    • Anne asked if faculty should cut materials, or make the weekly load heavier in terms of “in class” hours and homework.
    • Karen: AS recommendations would be helpful also for online classes that are not assigned specific dates or times for finals,
    • Spring quarter started one week late. Technically, the academic calendar remains the same.  Technically, last week was week one and this is week two.  Therefore, it may be very confusing to refer to certain deadlines by weeks.  Karen suggested adding and referring to specific dates rather than weeks.
    • Last week, Week Twelve, remains finals week. Some faculty have expressed the intent to use part of finals week for instruction, to review or introduce new content.  Those faculty felt beholden, under contract, to cover the Course Outline of Record in their curriculum.
    • Anne: Isn’t finals week considered “dead week?” Does that include instruction?
    • Karen: Office of Instruction, Christina and Lorrie, is giving faculty the flexibility to choose to use part of the finals week for some instruction.
    • However, the Academic Senate may make recommendations that faculty treat finals week as a final exam week and not for instruction, only for reviews.
    • Karen asked for student perspectives from the student representatives.
    • Paige: for students the quarter is shortened by a week; instructors should make adjustments to how much to teach, and not to overwhelm students given the current situation; finals week should just be for final exams or final project; it is important right now not to overload students on contents and work.
    • Paige supported the Support Academic Senate coming out with a statement that recommends that faculty treat finals week as a true finals week, and used that week only for final assessment and final project. She is open to faculty using the final week for holding a final review of content, not introducing new content.
    • Bob S pointed out the potential for conflicting activities if faculty choose to use the week as they see fit; synchronous classes have finals scheduled at specific times; must honor final times as scheduled; don’t and can't expect students to take exams or meet at other times.
    • There is concern that anything that comes from AS does carry some weight and could be considered a rule. There is the need to be equitable and inclusive, at such a time, to our colleagues.  Faculty should have the flexibility in how they may meet their obligations for course objectives and learning outcomes this quarter.
    • What purpose is the statement to achieve?
    • Karen: The statement is not meant to limit any academic freedom or to impose any new rules. The statement is a suggestion or recommendation, given the special circumstance this quarter.
    • Thomas: This is a practical matter, not sure if the message needs to come from the administration, or FA, or AS. But, if some people are teaching and some have finals as scheduled during finals week, then students may need to be at two places at the same time; this will create an enormous problem. Thomas will bring the matter back to the deans to be addressed in some final way.
    • Cynthia reminded everyone that we are in the middle of a disaster, in a really hard situation; many students’ lives are falling apart, losing jobs, etc. While it is important to maintain high standards; this is not going to be the best quarter, the best academic learning may not happen. Students usually catch their breath and switch into a different mode during finals week; don’t be so hyper to hit all the objectives. Let students go into finals week having some breath.
    • Karen asked for suggestions via email.

    VI. Proposal for Academic Senate Endorsement of Creation of New Board Policy to Review Student Wages Annually


    VII. Distance Education & Professional Development Trainers & Support/Staff/Faculty impacts & Academic Senate Appreciation

    • Anne will head a task force to think of ideas to show appreciation to the Distance Learning and Staff Development staff for their work to train, support, and help everyone with the massive transition. The task force includes Susan T, Mary S, Shagun, and Terrence,
    • They will meet and discuss ideas; and bring back with their ideas as a proposal and request for the senate to support the appreciation.
    • There is a nomination for Heidi for sainthood in chat.

    Proposal to add to agenda
    Report from ASCCC webinar zoom,

    Marc motioned, Terence seconded, 18 yes

    Council of Faculty Organizations, statewide council consisting of all statewide faculty unions and academic senate.
    Report on the state budget, from President John Stanskas:
    The California State Legislature will revisit the budget allocation in August, because of all the COVID-19 disruption; it is difficult to plan the budget as the taxes are shifting right now. They discussed budget priority for the student centered funding formula. The Council of Faculty Organizations decided to recommend to the State Legislature to fund access as first priority. Access means 70 percent of the budget allocation for apportionment, that means student enrollment, the traditional way the community colleges have been funded from the state.  The second priority would be for supplemental allocations. Supplemental means money for special uses like EOPS programs. Finally, 10 percent for performance, that has been very controversial; performance award is based on the number of degrees and certificates awarded; if the legislature makes any cuts, it would be from the performance piece first. Prop 98 is a huge base of funding for the colleges.  It is not clear how the revenue may grow in this economic environment.

    Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senate, academic leadership of the community colleges, the UC, and CSU
    The committee had a meeting and came up with a collective message, on March 12, that asked for $2.1 million one time funding to be dispersed over 5 years that goes toward intersegmental discipline dialogue about transfer preparedness; dedicating some resources toward intersegmental faculty discipline dialogue about transfer preparedness. This is in line with guided pathways; making very clear to students about what is expected for transfer and to help students be prepared for transfer.

    John Stanskas reminded everyone that the AS statewide has had a long standing priority on faculty diversity. They found resolutions, dating back to the 1970s, that expressed grave concerns about racial and gender diversity in the community college faculty body.  The statewide academic senate endorsed a Board of Governor request to make faculty diversification a priority statewide.  They addressed this on March 4 on Advocacy Day in Sacramento. Dolores Davison from Foothill, our statewide academic senate vice president, organized a number of meetings with legislators to discuss this issue. There is also a request for $76 million for professional development on how to improve our hiring practices.

    Bob had some questions about the timeline for the new intersegmental requests. Bob pointed out that this state budget is going to be a workforce budget, so there won’t be any consideration of new items, new initiatives; how will that fit into this new intersegmental request; is this something to be put forward as next year’s request? in addition to the faculty diversity moneys; is that going to be for the next budgetary cycle?

    Bob: the district getting some Cares money, that is going to be very useful in meeting near term student needs. For example, the district is getting $10 million in federal money. However, any new budget request will not be considered, because of all the uncertainties, because of the prioritization of the response to the pandemic and because of the immediate needs. It is great, all these discussions about transfer preparedness and about faculty diversification. However, there may not be new money for these kinds of new commitments. In the same way, there would not be funding for other things like other professional development, part time office hours, full time hirings.

    Bob and Karen will reach out to John Stanskas for more details and clarifications.

    Baccalaureate degrees. Recommendation from the state academic to the state chancellor’s office on the issuance of baccalaureate degrees at the community colleges; Foothill has one of the approved pilot baccalaureate for dental hygiene; statewide senate has recommended to the chancellor’s office to remove Sunset provision on the pilot baccalaureate and make them permanent baccalaureate programs; also a recommendation to expand the baccalaureate degree program to include other allied health fields. Over 70 percent of the first responders in California were trained in emergency response programs in community colleges.  Our program is responsible for some of the most crucial frontline health care.

    Calbright: the statewide academic senate has issued a request to the Chancellor’s office for a clarification on Calbright. Calbright has been called the 115th community college. It is a fully online college that the chancellor’s office claims will address the need for fully online workers training. On  8/1 Calbright sent a letter of intent to the legislature; that letter of intent triggered a 8/5 letter from the statewide academic senate asking for clarification, since what Calbright submitted in their letter of intent is different from the leadership’s understanding of what Calbright would be doing. This latest letter raised concern over overlapping and duplication of programs with the community colleges. The National AAUP, American Association of University Professors, has also written a letter in support of the statewide academic senate's concern about the Calbright intent.  On 2/10 the statewide academic senate issued a rejection of the state chancellor office’s  assertion that there were no duplications of programs. There is going to be a proposed message from the statewide academic senate, that will question the need for Calbright since all the community colleges are fully online with COVID-19. Calbright is seeking accreditation from another national body and may not through ACCJC education accrediting body.

    There was an audit hearing on Calbright on 2/26 and there will be an open audit. Another concern over Calbright is its lack of faculty input for their CET programs. Calbright leadership is going back to the Board of Governors 5/4 meeting. The Statewide Senate would like strong feedback from faculty attendees; the Board of Governors meeting will be operating on zoom;  Bob has the link to the zoom meetings.

    The Board of Governors gave the chancellor’s office authority to bypass consultation on COVID-19 accommodations; academic and professional matters still need consultation with ASCCC leadership.

    Karen disclosed that she has submitted her form to run for Area B representative for statewide academic senate, a position currently held by Myra Cruz; Myra is supportive of her intent to run and Myra is running for another executive committee position.  Hope both will prevail.

    Mary P, posted in chat, the 3/20/2020 UC clarification statement.

    The President Search Committee has met and settled upon a group of candidates to invite for interviews with the hiring committee; other faculty committee members, Ishmael, Tim S, Cynthia, and Mari.

    Faculty hiring committees are also progressing via zoom; chemistry has a committee for the full time lab tech position.

    Erik: mae curriculum submission due date May 6; revised submission and signature process:; zoom-based curriculum workshop tomorrow 2:30-4 pm

    Nursing jobs are posted and pending.

    It has not been determined if Summer or Fall will be fully online; a lot depends on the governor’s response; the latest announcement from Governor Newsome; all the west coast states will be coordinating the shelter in place orders, the COVID-19 measures; there will be more multi state coordination on the West Coast;  Shelter in place order til may 3, May 5, may 15?

    Nominating Committee; Karen will be sending out the announcement for the 3 open positions, President, Vice President, and Executive Secretary; if interested, submit candidate statement, 300 words max; due by May 11; election electronically May 18-25; announce result at 6/1 meeting.  Karen disclosed that she will run for president again

    The Academic Senate is honoring the finals week schedule.  The senate does not meet during finals week, except for last quarter due to unusual circumstances and had to be voted on as a special meeting; unless there is a vote that requests a special added meeting, the last senate meeting is June 15.

    The major update from the Board of Trustees meeting, the board voted to approve a min wage of $15.35 for student workers. This is a victory for students and their supporters.  There were many community supporters, staff supporters, and faculty supporters who showed up and spoke to convince the board in favor of that decision.

    Mallory Newell; student survey closed last Friday, result will be out this Friday. There were over 3000 responses, 20% turnout rate which is super high, the response is usually 2%.  The purpose of the survey was make students aware of various thing that the spring quarter is fully online among other things and other resources, some of the things she sees include questions and comments like getting internet access; in that survey, she asked them for their name and email to follow up with any questions that they asked; about 1000 students gave their contact information including an issue, which Mallory sent this list to departments to reach out to students; some of the issues that came up included getting a computer, financial aid, food resources, online tutoring, academic counselling, getting Canvas and Zoom help, helping pay tuitions and library resources.

    Weekly senior staff zoom meeting
    Mon 4/20/2020 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM; great opportunity to ask questions of the staff

    Email was sent out by Iman on 3/26 about those meetings.

    Eric Mendosa shared a link in chat
    Webinar (Recording) Link … Employing Equity-Minded & Culturally-Affirming Teaching Practices in Virtual Learning Communities

    VIII. Good of the Order

    • Shagun: The Michelson 20MM foundation is offering up grants to fund work that supports students and faculty at this time. They are accepting proposals until 11:59 pm PT on April 27th or until our funds have expired. The link is:
    • Marc is loving Karen’s earrings.
    • Student Services is available via remote delivery. Communications has set up a web page that lists all the remote services, please push out to the students.
    • Student orientation powerpoint zoom, about 20 minutes, with information and links to how to access various services, health, food, etc; if anyone is interested, contact Mary S.
    • The bookstore has processed 2000 textbook orders; they are shipping the orders domestically; there were some hiccups; they are working it out; in spite of the shelter in place, they are showing up to work.
    • Marc in chat: the bookstore can’t ship internationally; so students can ask friends to order and ship for them
    • One faculty was very disappointed about the discount she negotiated with the publisher not being passed to the students; it is a complicated issue, complex accounting matter; the bookstore is taking a hit under current circumstances. Karen will discuss with Christina and senior staff. 
    • Shagun post in chat. There are now complete course Open Education Resources Shells with books, and other ancillaries in Canvas Commons from ASCCC OEI, OpenStax and CVCOEI. For information on licenses, copyright, go to
    • Susan asked in chat: what are instructors doing to accommodate students who are international during this quarter and expected to show up synchronously?
    • Terrence has a lot of international students. Many have gone back to their own countries. He is recording all his zoom lectures and make them available to students; students may attend class when it is convenient for them; that is an option for students who cannot attend synchronously.
    • Shagun teaches online so I have based the times for their speeches in the evening because I am trying to avoid conflicts with their regular schedule and align with times in Asia where most of them come from in my classes.
    • Marc: other than the zoom office hours, she is not doing anything synchronously
    • Karen has scheduled optional zoom meetings/office hours, she called meet-ups. She put out surveys with options to find the optimal time for students. Tuesday, 9 to 10 seem very popular.
    • Shagun: the rest of the class can be asynchronous; but speech must be live for public speaking; 7-8 pm time slot seems to be best, that is 8:30 am in Asia; only 5 hours, that is the state requirement for the quarter.
    • Take care and be safe.
    • Rusty moved, Terrence seconded, to adjourn, all approved.

    Members of the Academic Seante Executive Committee




     Karen Chow-


     Mary Pape

    Vice President 

     So Kam Lee

    Notetaker/Secretary (F19)

     Ishmael Tarikh-PT  

     Representss part-time faculty

     Mary Donahue - PT 

     Represents part-time faculty


     Applied Technologies

     Pete Vernazza 

     Applied Technologies


     Bob Kalpin

     Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

     Anna Miller

     Biological, Health & Enviromental Sciences



     Business, Computer Science


     Mary Pape

     Business, Computer Science


     Creative Arts


     Ilan Glasman

     Creative Arts 

     Nellie Vargas

     Child Development

     Betty Inoue


     Barb Dahlke


     Anita Vazifdar

     Disability Support Program & Services

     Kevin Glapion

     Disability Support Program & Services


     So Kam Lee

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Marc Coronado

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Terrence Mullens

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Lisa Mesh

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Shagun Kaur

     Language Arts

     Lauren Gordon

     Language Arts


     Susan Thomas

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Daniel Solomon

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Louise Madrigal 

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Rusty Johnson

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Tom Dolen

     Learning Resources


     Mary Sullivan

     Student Development

     Cynthia Kaufman

     Equity & Engagement

     Erik Woodbury

    Curriculum Committee

    Guests Present (✔)




    Thomas Ray

    Administrative Representative

    Paige Wallace

    DASB Representative

    Bob Stockwell

    Faculty Association

    Christina Espinosa-Pib

    Interim De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Lorrie Ranck

    Actin VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    Interim VP of Administrative Services

     Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs

     Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations

     Stephanie Serna

    Classified Senate President

     Genevieve Kola

     De Anza Student Trustee

     Mallory Newell-

     Institutional Research

     Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

     Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

     Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator

     Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

     Eric Mendoza

     Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

     Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

     Randy Bryant

    Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)

     Isaac Escoto

    Foothill Academic Senate President

     Mary Pape

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

     Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

     Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

     Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

     Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

     Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

     Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

     Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

     Dawn Lee Tu

    Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development


    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

     Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

     David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning

     Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

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