General Meeting Information

Date: April 20, 2020
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 PM
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from April 13, 2020 Meeting A Chow, All
    2:35 - 2:45 Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action) I All
    2:45 - 2:55

    Needs and Confirmations

    I/D/A Pape
    2:55 - 3:10

    Summary of Spring 2020 De Anza Student Survey 

    I/D Newell
    3:10 -3:25

    CCCCO Update from A&R Director Nazy Galoyan on Grade Options for Spring 2020

    I/D Galoyan
    3:25 - 3:55

    De Anza High School Dual Enrollment Policy and Proposal for Allowing Adult Education Students as Special Admit Students (to enable them to take advantage of De Anza Promise Program)

    I/D Chow, Bryant, Vilaubi
    3:55 - 4:15

    Proposed Resolution for Academic Senate Recommendations to Faculty for Spring Quarter Schedule & Finals Week (1st reading/discussion)  

    I/D Chow
    4:15 - 4:25

    Standing Committee updates

    • De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
    • Instructional Planning and Budget Team (IPBT)
    • Student Services Planning and Budget Team (SSPBT)
    • Curriculum Committee
    • Equity Action Council (EAC)
    • College Planning
    • Tech Committee
    • Online Advisory Group

    Representatives From Committees

    (Wallace, Pape, Glapion, Lee, Chow, Gainer etc)


    Good of the Order




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

    NOTE:Dear Senators and Guests:

     This Monday's Academic Senate Meeting will be available for you to participate in via Confer Zoom. Per Governor Newsom's emergency order for COVID19 sheltering in place, holding this meeting in Confer Zoom satisfies Brown Act requirements requiring a publicly accessible meeting location.  
    If you wish to join via ConferZoom, below are instructions.  Voting for any Motions made during the meeting will be done via the Chat feature of ConferZoom, and I will explain how that will work at the start of our meeting.


    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


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    Meeting ID: 595 531 954
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  • Minutes

    Minutes of April 20, 2020

    I. Approval of Agenda and Minutes from April 13, 2020 Meeting

    Karen welcomed the new Humanities and Social Sciences Dean, Dr. Elvin Ramos,  to his first Academic Senate meeting. He started on April 1st after moving across the country to the area.  Dr. Ramos gave a self introduction and looked forward to meeting and working with everyone.

    Additions to the agenda. 

    Appreciation Committee Update; before the good of the order. Susan motioned, Mary P seconded, no objections.

    Also, add to agenda, at the top of the Standing Committee Update, FA report on contract negotiations for Spring 2020.

    • Agenda with amended items, approved. No objections.
    • Minutes approved. No objections.

    II. Public Comment on items not on agenda (Senate cannot discuss or take action)

    • Mary Sullivian has made a new video on coping with COVID-19, “How to Keep Your Cool in the COVID Wave”; it includes available services on and off campus. Anyone interested, should email,; she will also send the link to Dave Garrido for the remote teaching resource webpage.
    • Cynthnia Kaufman: VIDA Project Fair; virtual community project, 7 community partners have engagement projects for students; 1:30 tomorrow; VIDA Project Fair:
    • Mary P: the requests for summer quarter synchronous or asynchronous classes will be coming out soon.
    • Karen: Monday De Anza Senior Staff zoom meeting is open to all to attend and participate; good opportunity to ask senior staff questions. Today's meeting included discussions on the bookstore and the spring schedule. Productivity is way up, with spring enrollment slightly up and 30 late start classes coming online soon.
      Zoom meeting link

    III. Needs and Confirmations

    • PGA 03 committee: the committee had requested 2 faculty volunteers; since there is only one volunteer Cynthia Kaufman, Lisa Markus, representing STEM and Christina, from the previous committee, have agreed to remain on the new committee. This committee reviews publications submitted on agreement appendix 03 for assignment of PGA credit and it's being reformatted to better reflect the broad disciplinary expertise needed for such evaluations.
    • There was discussion regarding Tim Shively’s position on the committee. He will serve as discipline rep, not FA rep.  Tim represents Language Arts and Lisa represents Math (STEM) on the committee.
    • Mary S motioned, Barbara seconded, to approve Cynthia, Tim, and Lisa as faculty representative on the PGA 03 Committee. No opposition.
    • Mary P explained the $40 bank analysis service fee for the copying of 20 checks due to the account not being kept up to date. There was another charge of $14 on May, 2019 for insufficient funds. Ilan felt the account should be interest bearing and not incurring fees; Mary will look into that.
    • Mary P presented the Academic Senate Canvas Shell. The zoom link for Monday Senate meetings will be added to the Canvas Shell

    IV. Summary of Spring 2020 De Anza Student Survey

    • The Instructional Research Office sent out a survey to all enrolled students during spring break and the following flex week to get a better understanding of student needs for a fully online spring quarter.  The office received over 3000 responses, an extremely high response rate of over 20%. It is usually 3-7%. The survey asked students to provide their names and contacts for additional assistance. 1000 students replied with their needs and someone from the college actively responded to them.  Areas of needs include computer, computer software, financial aid, academic counseling, online tutoring, Canvas and Zoom training and assistance; ordering textbook, food assistance. The survey included a Help button on the web page for students to get immediate feedback for their needs.
    • Karen thanked Mallory and acknowledged the work of her staff for getting the data, as well as the efforts of Student Services, Office of Communications, and everyone, deans and faculty, for their quick response to student needs.
    • The Office has sent out a faculty survey. She encouraged all faculty to complete the survey to assess faculty needs to determine appropriate support and resources.
    • The foremost services students need is academic counseling to follow the ED plan for transfer and meeting degree requirements for graduation. There is a list of about 15 services that includes online tutoring, admissions and records, financial aid, online library services, Transfer Center services, Canvas and Zoom training. Full report is available in her office.
    • About 40% of the respondents have become unemployed due to the crisis.
    • Most students are very comfortable with Canvas; 17% are not; Online Education is offering a lot of training. Students are not as comfortable with Zoom, half are, half are not. College is trying to provide training to students as well as faculty. Most students are familiar with YouTube, followed by Skype and Instagram, or Instagram Live.
    • Almost all had access to a desktop, laptop, or tablet; 3% only had access via smartphone. Most have reliable internet access but 25% do not have a quiet place to study. Another 25% is afraid of running out of data on their phone plans. The college is making sure that students are aware of available resources.
    • The survey wanted to make sure that students were aware of spring quarter being fully online for the entire quarter. Over 90% were aware. 75% prefer email communication; other 25% prefer text notification. The college is using both ways for notification. Two thirds knew about ordering textbooks and course materials online, one thirds were not aware.
    • Marisa: the website is the central source for reference on resources and assistance; link:
    • Karen shared her experience with offering additional optional zoom meetings for her online class. The most popular times are late evenings.  Students show up when instructors show interest in them as individuals.
    • Instructors are one step closer to the students than Mallory and her office. She suggested using Canvas, or Myportal. Most students prefer email.  Marc pointed out that most students have cell phones and can receive  messages by text.
    • Comment in chat: Studies related to Equity also show that Men of Color are less likely to ask for help - adding another dynamic to new online learners who may struggle.
    • Bob S thanked Mallory for the insightful report and information. He raised concerns over those who did not respond in the college survey or survey from faculty. Those hardest to reach are the hardest to support.  He was wondering if he as a teacher and the college as an institution may come with other means to communicate and assess student needs and offer support.  Bob did his student survey through Canvas
    • Rob: Lisa who handles the emergency funds, is getting and processes requests on a daily basis. During spring break they gave out 18 loaners from their office.  Now, they are working through two options to provide devices to the students.  For students under the Promise Program, they have increased students grants to allow purchases through the bookstore. Those not under the Promise Program can apply to the college’s Emergency Fund.  For those impacted by COVID-19, there is new allocation through the Cares Act, $3.6 million, to draw upon to help students with technology needs as well as for other assistances.
    • Question from chat on the wait time for students to get a computer or laptop.
    • In chat, there were reports of faculty getting laptops through their deans.
    • Mari: faculty should start with their deans with regards to computers, and other needs; then, go to Lorrie. Going forward, district technology will be more thoughtful on people’s preference of laptops over desktops.
    • Marc asked how faculty can get laptops for home use. She was asking for herself as well as other faculty, especially adjuncts.
    • Dawn explained that the Help button on Canvas, has a link that takes students directly to a library technician that can help them with Canvas and Zoom, MyPortal and other online learning tools, or software. Faculty have been clicking on that button as well.
    • Genevieve was troubled by the inconsistent communications from her professors at DeAnza. One of her professors had a very thorough survey and communicated about resources. Some did not do any surveying. Another professor hadn’t even sent out the syllabus.  At Foothill, the administration provides their faculty with a standard survey and resource list to put on their Canvas page.  She wondered if DeAnza could put out similar uniform communication or resources for all professors to easily disseminate to their students.
    • Dawn and the Online Education team, Heidi and Dave, have been training faculty on using Canvas and Zoom. The faculty are learning as they are teaching and they need time to learn. There are some facing challenges moving smoothly online. Encourage faculty to reach out if they need support.  Students can also request information from the faculty or the dean.
    • Thomas: there are faculty mentors in each division to support transition to online teaching with Canvas and Zoom.
    • Dawn pointed out some good comments in chat after the discussion closed in the meeting.
      • Embed videos made by the Comm Office into Canvas shells.
      • Faculty interested in surveying their students about tech accessibility, go to Dawn for example surveys that are ready to go
      • A standard survey given to all faculty to use if they wanted to...that makes it easier for faculty so more likely they'll do it.
      • Dawn has the recording of a workshop “Creating a Welcoming Online Environment” that includes survey examples and other information.
      • become aware that their situations are acknowledged, feel more comfortable coming forward, and are more likely to seek out resources at the college.
    • Comment in chat on Why surveying is important. Most students won’t reach out with their problems or assume there are resources or accommodations for them.  There are layers of shame and assumption that their problems are their own to bear. Many professors are NOT acknowledging disparities, sharing resources or modifying their courseloads. By surveying you know your students better, and the students become aware that their situations are acknowledged, feel more comfortable coming forward, and are more likely to seek out resources at the college.

    V. CCCCO Update from A&R Director Nazy Galoyan on Grade Options for Spring 2020

    • There are a lot of considerations students need to take into account before taking those options; students must make the request; they also need to understand that it is not reversible. It is best to refer students to the website.
    • Marisa has emailed all the students about the new grade options. All the details and implications of EW and N/NP for winter and spring quarters are explained in the website for students, staff, and faculty.
    • All languages in the executive order and the memorandum apply to semester which covers the winter and spring quarters, but she is not sure about summer quarter
    • Students still need to understand the impact of their decision, especially for transfer students. There may be negative consequences.  For example, the Chancellor's Office is permitting colleges to allow students who passed a class to retake it for a better grade.  However, the devil is in the details.  Some UC will take both grades; some will only take the first grade.  Nazy will take that to the district for consideration, since it must be implemented at the district, not college level.
    • Alex and Brandon, Office of Communications, have promptly put together the petition for Pass/NoPass for the Winter quarter. The website has all the information for requesting the retroactive P/NP as well as explanation of the impact and the consequences for choosing to change the grade mode.  Nazy has already received over 100 requests.
    • Nazy Galoyan, Dean of Enrollment, has received confirmation and documentations in writing from the State Chancellor’s Office to implement grade options at De Anza for Spring quarter and retroactively for the Winter quarter. The Chancellor’s Office has granted the colleges a 180 days extension from March 13 to implement these grade options, to approve Excused Withdrawal without documentations, and suspend the 30% rule for Pass/NoPass.
    • For the Spring quarter, students may choose these grade options on the portal. Nazy has sent an email to the deans.
    • Thomas: any students considering these options should be advised to speak to a counselor first. Faculty should not be advising on this. Deans can send this email to the faculty, it’s most important that students understand the consequences and counselors are best suited to advise them.
    • Betty agreed to work on a message to share with faculty about how they should advise students to talk to a counselor about these grade options. 

    VI. De Anza High School Dual Enrollment Policy and Proposal for Allowing Adult Education Students as Special Admit Students (to enable them to take advantage of De Anza Promise Program)

      • The chancellor and board are in support of the proposal that is drafted by the CTE dual enrollment specialist.
      • The proposal will come back for a senate decision.
      • High School Dual Enrollment Policy
      • Karen showed the current web page for high school dual enrollment; 11-12 grades can take classes at De Anza for free; parents must sign a waiver acknowledging that their student is taking a college level and class and will be exposed to content taught in that class. The expectation is that the student is mature enough to handle that content. This releases the college and the faculty from any liability the parent or student may bring.
      • Mary showed the Foothill High School Dual Enrollment Policy. Their website says high school students from 9-12 grades may take classes at Foothill, including freshman and sophomore.
      • Karen asked the senate to consider having a consistent district dual enrollment policy to make the De Anza dual enrollment policy more permissive and allow freshman and sophomore to enroll. This would enable more student access and more students to recruit from.
      • High school students do not have priority. They do not pay enrollment fees, but the college still gets apportionment.
      • Ishmael raised a number of issues: Should the same policy be implemented differently between the two colleges under the same district. Are the two colleges in competition for the same pool of students; does that boost enrollment produce more funding.  There is a large difference in maturity between a freshman and a junior in high school; what may be the implications of sensitive materials taught in some classes for someone who is 14 or 15.
      • Foothill and De Anza have agreements with different school districts. Repeatability rules apply the same for all. High school student FTS percentage for Foothill is 550, De Anza is less than 300. There is a question about when classes would be added for high school enrollment
      • Thomas pointed out that these are 2 different issues. The chancellor is already considering the special admit for adult school students. Dual enrollment is a different decision.
      • Cynthia thought that this could be really good, even useful, for some kids.
    • There are no perceived negatives to the proposal.
    • Karen showed and read through the proposal. She pointed out SB554 and Ed Code 76001 referenced in the proposal that allow adult school students to be considered special admit and for the local college board to make that decision.
    • Randy, CTE Dean and Workforce Development: The idea is to create as many pathways as possible for students in the consortium into higher education. It is a vehicle to get students from the adult education program to transition smoothly to De Anza.
    • Felisa, Language Arts Counselor, had worked with the California Adult Education Program before coming to De Anza in 2012. She explained that FHDA is part of a local consortium in North Santa Clara that includes 3 adult schools with close to 20,000 students per year. Adult school students without a high school diploma or GED are in a gray area where they don’t qualify for all the financial aid.  The proposal to designate adult education students as “Special Admit Students” removes the financial barriers by having a dual enrollment fee waiver for co-enrolled adult school students. The “Special Admit” status also allows concurrently enrolled adult school students to be eligible for College Promise when they transfer in as full time.
    • These two proposals share the similar goal of allowing more students to access classes at De Anza and remove barriers currently existing for both groups.
    • Shagun expressed concern over already losing some classes that could support high school students and their level of preparedness.
    • Karen: these are discussion items.  There will be more discussions before action, especially on the high school dual enrollment policy

    VII. Proposed Resolution for Academic Senate Recommendations to Faculty for Spring Quarter Schedule & Finals Week (1st reading/discussion)

    • Karen read an updated draft sent out before the meeting.
    • Open up for comments and discussion
    • Genevieve questioned why Karen took out “not introducing new material on classes during finals week.”
    • There were discussions in chat and the meeting. Karen asked people to send her suggested edits to the draft.

    This was first read, so no action

    VIII. Standing Committee updates

    • FA Update
      • Tim showed the March FA News put together by office manager Suzanne and is on the FA website
      • The number of units has been reduced for the professional growth requirement, taking into account that no one will be traveling in the spring quarter.
      • For the PAA, faculty may use old evaluations on file, if they don’t have a current one; since some evaluations may be locked in offices.
      • Bob asked if there will be a relaxation on PGA requirements as well. Tim will raise the issue with Christina.
      • No faculty will be required for evaluation this quarter unless that class has been previously scheduled as an online class before the COVID-19 crisis.
      • There are modifications in the Tenure review timeline.
      • Due process complaints have been moved from the 4th week to the 9th week of Fall to allow time to complete all the necessary evaluations.
      • The district has agreed to provide financial support for home wifi upgrades
    • Erik asked about policies and suggestions regarding over enrolling students beyond the negotiated seat counts.
    • Article 34, has the provision to raise seat count temporarily for scheduled online classes; since the attribution rate is higher than face-to-face classes. Face-to-face classes should not raise seat counts.
    • Curriculum Committee Update in chat from Erik Woodbury: Reminder that Updates for New and Revised Courses are due by May 6th; from Mae Lee: There is a revised submission process outlined on the Curriculum website:

    Appreciation Committee Update

    The Appreciation Committee for Online Education and Professional Development met last week.  They have come up with ways to recognize Heidi King, Dave Garrido, and Dawn Lee Tu for all the work beyond and above in the last several weeks.  In addition, they would like to recognize Brandon Gainer for his work as well.

    The committee motioned that the Senate present each of these individuals, Heidi King, Dave Garrido, Dawn Lee Tu, and Brandon Gainer, a resolution acknowledging his/her contribution and work above and beyond duty.  Susan moved, Mary S seconded.  Passed by acclamation..

    The committee requested a maximum amount of $650 for an appreciation box or gifts for each family, not to $200 each for Dawn, Heidi, and Dave. And, a $50 appreciation gift for Brandon Gainer.  Susan moved, Mary S seconded; approved by acclamation.

    IX. Good of the Order

    • Dawn is having zoom open labs all this week; there is a lot of need for one on one and group support; from trouble shooting to practice.
    • Terrence moved, Mary seconded, to adjourn, all approved.




     Karen Chow-


     Mary Pape

    Vice President 

     So Kam Lee

    Notetaker/Secretary (F19)

     Ishmael Tarikh-PT  

     Representss part-time faculty

     Mary Donahue - PT 

     Represents part-time faculty


     Applied Technologies

     Pete Vernazza 

     Applied Technologies


     Bob Kalpin

     Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

     Anna Miller

     Biological, Health & Enviromental Sciences



     Business, Computer Science


     Mary Pape

     Business, Computer Science


     Creative Arts


     Ilan Glasman

     Creative Arts 

     Nellie Vargas

     Child Development

     Betty Inoue


     Barb Dahlke


     Anita Vazifdar

     Disability Support Program & Services

     Kevin Glapion

     Disability Support Program & Services


     So Kam Lee

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Marc Coronado

     Intercultural/International Studies

     Terrence Mullens

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Lisa Mesh

     Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Shagun Kaur

     Language Arts

     Lauren Gordon

     Language Arts


     Susan Thomas

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Daniel Solomon

     Social Studies & Humanities

     Louise Madrigal 

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Rusty Johnson

     Physical Education & Athletics

     Tom Dolen

     Learning Resources


     Mary Sullivan

     Student Development

     Cynthia Kaufman

     Equity & Engagement

     Erik Woodbury

    Curriculum Committee

    Guests Present (✔)




    Thomas Ray

    Administrative Representative

    Paige Wallace

    DASB Representative

    Bob Stockwell

    Faculty Association

    Christina Espinosa-Pib

    Interim De Anza President

    Rob Miesa

    VP of Student Services

    Lorrie Ranck

    Actin VP of Instruction

    Pam Grey

    Interim VP of Administrative Services

     Hyon Chu Yi-Baker

    Director of College Life & Student Judicial Affairs

     Marisa Spatafore

    Associate VP of Communications & External Relations


     Stephanie Serna

    Classified Senate President

     Genevieve Kola

     De Anza Student Trustee

     Mallory Newell-

     Institutional Research

     Moaty Fayek

    Dean of Business/Computer Info Systems

     Renee Augenstein

    Articulation Officer

     Mary Bennett

    Tenure Review Coordinator

     Daniel Smith

    Dean of Creative Arts

     Eric Mendoza

     Dean of Physical Education and Athletics

     Alicia Cortez

    Dean of Equity and Engagement

     Randy Bryant

    Dean Isaac Escotoreer & Technical Education (CTE)


     Isaac Escoto

    Foothill Academic Senate President

     Mary Pape

    FHDA District Academic Senate President

     Pam Grey

    Associate VP of College Operations

     Laureen Balducci

    Dean of Counseling, DSPS & Title IX Coordinator

     Anita Kandula

    Dean of Biological, Health, and Environmental Sciences

     Michele LeBleu-Burns

    Dean of Student Development/EOPS

     Lisa Mandy

    Director of Financial Aid

     Nazy Gayloyan

    Dean of Enrollment Services

     Edmundo Norte

    Dean of Intercultural/International Studies

     Jerry Rosenberg

    Dean of Physical Sciences, Math & Engineering

     Judy Miner

    FHDA Chancellor

     Dawn Lee Tu

    Faculty Director of Office of Professional Development

    Elvin Ramos

    Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities


     Patrick Gannon

    Director, Book Store

     David Ulate

    FHDA Research & Planning

     Mae Lee

    Curriculum Committee Vice-Chair

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