General Meeting Information

Date: April 29, 2024
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Location: Via Zoom*

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:30-2:35 Review/Approve Notes from February 26, 2024 meeting A DaSilva
    • Campus Center Meditation Room Update
    • Outdoor Bicycle Storage Project Update
    I Lockwood
    2:45-2:50 Renovate Restrooms in S2, S6 & L5 Update I DaSilva
    2:50-3:00 Dining Services Update I Gannon
    3:00-3:10 Information Sharing/Quick News I All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Campus Center Advisory Board


    April 29, 2024

    Review/Approve notes February 26, 2024

    The group reviewed and approved the notes.

    Campus Center Meditation Room Update

    The initial meeting with the users of the meditation room and Lockwood took place a few weeks ago. Users requested the addition of a rug, backpack storage, shoe storage and signage. The next meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2024, to review carpet samples and discuss further details.

    Outdoor Bicycle Storage Project

    Lockwood met with a focus group and the district police to discuss theft deterrence and ideal locations for the bicycle storage. A map of the existing bike racks and locations was presented. The group suggested adding racks in the S Quad and the L Quad areas. After reviewing several styles, it was decided that additional storage lockers for bicycles were not suitable at this time. Some new racks, similar to those already on campus, will be installed between August 26 and September 13.

    Renovate Restrooms in S2, S6 & L5 Update

    DaSilva shared S2, S6 and L5 restrooms will be converted to all gender restrooms. The finalization of finishes and tiles is underway, after which the project will be submitted to the Department of the State Architect (DSA) for approval. Once completed, this project will go out to bid.

    Dining Services Update

    A brief update on dining services, highlighting the addition of a burrito bar, which has seen moderate sales. The director of dining services has incorporated this into the menu.

    Information Sharing/Quick News

    Flint Center: A fence will be erected in anticipation of construction to demolish the building.

    Women’s Beach Volleyball: There is a proposal to replace the softball field with a beach volleyball court and will go out to bid.

    Measure G Construction Notices and Updates: Construction notices and updates related to Measure G can be found on the designated website. This resource provides the latest information concerning construction on the De Anza Campus.

    De Anza Bookstore: A suggestion was made to improve the communication with the bookstore services since they are outsourced. The idea was presented of inviting the bookstore manager to join committee meetings was well-received as it could enhance student and bookstore engagement.

    Water Bottle Filling Stations: Existing drinking fountains on campus are currently being removed and replaced with water bottle filling stations. This change is underway to encourage sustainable practices and provide more convenient hydration options for students and staff.

    On-Campus Food Pantry Update: A question was raised regarding the update on the on-campus food pantry. It was shared that College Operations is collaborating with District Facilities to define the scope of work for the project. Further details will be provided as they become available.

    Mobile Payment Options in the Cafeteria: A question was asked about updates on the implementation of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay in the cafeteria. Dining Services is currently working with vendors to identify and address some issues in the existing system. Once these issues are resolved, progress will continue, but there is no set timeline yet.

    DASG Lounge Door Update: A question was asked about the DASG lounge door not opening automatically. It was shared that the door mechanism failed at the top of the door. To address this, the district lock shop disconnected the return arm, making it easier to open. The district is obtaining a proposal and will present it to college operations for discussion and execution. We are currently waiting for those quotes.




    Sally Gore


    Tina Lockwood


    Tina Lockwood


    Manny DaSilva


    Manny DaSilva


    Ammalinh Chan


    Ammalinh Chan


    Maritza Arreola


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Maritza Arreola


    Dr. Julie Keiffer-Lewis


    Pam Grey


    Pam Grey


    Dennis Shannakian


    Dennis Shannakian


    Kwan Pok Brian Tam


    Kwan Pok Brian Tam


    College Life


    College Life


    Leondre Lee


    Leondre Lee


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker


    Hyon Chu Yi-Baker


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