Request a Refurbished Computer!

Free Computers for De Anza and Foothill College Students

Don't let the lack of a computer affect your education! Computers donated to OTI's Computer Donations Program are refurbished by OTI's CompTechS interns and staff and made available to eligible Foothill and De Anza students.


woman at deskIf you rely on crowded computer labs, friends, libraries and other means to complete your course assignments, you are likely eligible for a refurbished computer.

Students are selected to receive a refurbished computer through a simple application process. Depending on availability, you will receive a desktop or laptop computer.

  • Your Refurbished Computer includes technical support to properly set-up their computer.
  • Once the student accepts the computer, it is theirs to keep.
  • Computers are not guaranteed for any length of time.
  • Applicant must be enrolled in at least 6.0 units.

OTI cannot take responsibility for the condition of any computer equipment once the student accepts it.

students with computersComputers

Computers are refurbished Laptops with charger, or All-in-ones with keyboard and mouse, or Desktop PCs with a monitor, keyboard and mouse.  The latest Windows operating system is installed.  An Open Source office suite that includes word processing, spread sheet and presentation software is also included. 

How to Apply

Download and complete the the application for a computer and have a college official (faculty, staff or administrator) sign the form. Please submit the form to Joseph Lipsig at the CompTechS lab located in the SEM Building at De Anza College.

Donate a Computer

Without access to a home computer, many students are unable to complete their coursework. Some disadvantaged students are single parents who work full time, go to school, rely on public transportation and raise their children. Your donation will be appreciated and put to great use!

To donate a computer, get started by reading the computer donation hardware and software specifications.

For additional information, contact Joseph Lipsig at 408.864.5712 or

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