Action Plans: Alignment With Goals

Each of the action plans for strategic planning implementation are aligned with important goals as outlined in these documents

Below you'll find a detailed list of the alignments for each action plan. Action plans are listed by category:

Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change

Develop and Expand Relationships With Community-Based Organizations and Maintain a Repository

Educational Master Plan

  • Civic capacity for community and social change
  • Workforce training

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Increase Capacity for Community- and Civic-Focused Curriculum Across Disciplines

Educational Master Plan

  • Civic capacity for community and social change
  • Degree attainment
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Increase Capacity for Effective Campus Governance

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Improve employee engagement and morale and nurture a more responsive, service-based culture to imrpove the employee and student experience across the district

Increase Number of Engaged Learning Sections Across Disciplines

Educational Master Plan

  • Civic capacity for community and social change

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Equity Plan Re-Imagined

Communicate Collegewide Equity Efforts

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Certificate attainment
  • Course success
  • Degree attainment
  • English and math completion
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Develop an Equity Rubric

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Certificate attainment
  • Course success
  • Degree attainment
  • English and math completion
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Develop Equity Criteria for Budget Decisions

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Develop and implement an ongoing process for a balanced budget while prioritizing and allocating resources aligned with districtwide priorities developed in coordination with campus, chancellor, and board priorities

Ensure Accountability for Equity Plan Implementation

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Develop and implement an ongoing process for a balanced budget while prioritizing and allocating resources aligned with districtwide priorities developed in coordination with campus, chancellor, and board priorities

Equity Plan Re-Imagined Inventory

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Certificate attainment
  • Course success
  • Degree attainment
  • English and math completion
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Implement High-Impact Equity Strategies

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Institutionalize Programming for LGBTQ+ Students

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome.

Professional Development: Infusion of Equity-Mindedness into Online Pedagogy

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Professional Development: Train the Trainers

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Recognize Individual Equity Work

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Certificate attainment
  • Course success
  • Degree attainment
  • English and math completion
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency. 


Develop and Expand CTE Programs in High-Demand Areas

Educational Master Plan

  • Certificate attainment
  • Degree attainment
  • Workforce training

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Dual Enrollment Expansion

Educational Master Plan

  • Outreach to historically underserved populations

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Student Participation: Increase, with equity the number of students attending college with particular emphasis on the number of underserved students

Establish an "Open House/Showcase" Event

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Expand Adult Ed and Increase Integration of Adult Ed Students

Educational Master Plan

  • Outreach to historically underserved populations

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Workforce Outcome: Increase with equity the number of students who earn a living wage

High School Student Empowerment Conferences

Educational Master Plan

  • Outreach to historically underserved populations

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Student Participation: Increase, with equity the number of students attending college with particular emphasis on the number of underserved students

Middle School Outreach

Educational Master Plan

  • Outreach to historically underserved populations

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Student Participation: Increase, with equity the number of students attending college with particular emphasis on the number of underserved students

Targeted Outreach to High Schools

Educational Master Plan

  • Outreach to historically underserved populations

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Student Participation: Increase, with equity the number of students attending college with particular emphasis on the number of underserved students

Welcome All Students to Their Respective Village

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome


Create a One-Stop Center

Educational Master Plan

  • Meeting basic needs

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify policy changes, resources and advocacy efforts needed to support college plans and strengthen student economic mobility as a lever for equity

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Improve Completion of ESL Pathway

Educational Master Plan

  • English and math completion

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Increase Connections Between Majors, Careers and Certificate Attainment

Educational Master Plan

  • Certificate attainment
  • Degree attainment
  • Workforce training

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Increase English and Math Enrollment in First Year

Educational Master Plan

  • English and math completion

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Student-Centered Instruction and Services

Establish a Process to Auto-Award Certificates and Degrees

Educational Master Plan

  • Certificate attainment
  • Degree attainment

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Establish Alternative Learning Models: Microcredentialing, Credit for Prior Learning

Educational Master Plan

  • Certificate attainment
  • Degree attainment
  • Workforce training

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Provide leadership in identifying and implementing innovations or emerging technologies that accelerate student learning and administrative efficiency

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

LC and PST Villages' Embedded Counselors

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Maintain a Sustainable Infrastructure for Comprehensive Professional Development

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Establish a leadership, management and supervision professional development program

Streamline Curriculum Review Process

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Update Scheduling Practices to Increase Timely Completion

Educational Master Plan

  • Degree attainment
  • Transfer

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Village-Hosted Events To Promote Academic Success and Student Retention Through Student Success Factors

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome

Village Subject Tutoring

Educational Master Plan

  • Achieving success factors
  • Course success

Chancellor Lambert's Priorities

  • Identify and remove barriers in the student and employee experience, including identifying duplicative or inefficient processes or systems

Vision 2030 Goals

  • Completion: Increase with equity the number of students who complete a meaningful educational outcome
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