Message from the Chair of Finance

Welcome to Finance! My name is Izat Rasyad, the DASG Chair of Finance.

In many ways, the DASG budget supports De Anza students to achieve their academic and personal goals to reach their full potential. We fund advocacy travels and internship opportunities for our future politicians, tutoring jobs on campus for our future academicians, the EcoFund for our future inventors, athletics away games for our future athletes, student-run publications for our future authors and journalists... and the list goes on!

Finance also works to provide equal opportunities to all De Anza students. Not only do we fund programs on campus that provide counseling, safe spaces, and specialized resources to our disproportionately impacted communities, but we also advocate for equitable spending at the college, district, state, and federal levels.

Interns and Senators of the DASG Finance Committee may have high opportunity costs, but a job so demanding is also equally inspiring. I am more than excited to continue my work with Finance! Are you ready to work with us? ;)

What is the Finance Committee and what does it do?

Finance is mainly responsible for DASB's budget development, approval, and expenditure, as outlined below.

Finance also has specific goals for this year:

  1. to propose new projects and strategies to increase and diversify DASB's sources of revenue, in hopes of reversing the budget decline,
  2. work with the college's administration and external companies to provide DASB card holders with additional benefits,
  3. increase the DASB scholarships made available to students,
  4. increase the efficiency and equitability of the Budget Deliberation process, and
  5. advocate for the institutionalization of essential programs on campus.

Drop by our weekly meetings to voice out your thoughts and concerns!

Budget Development

Throughout Fall, Finance interviews the budgeters of programs on campus. In the beginning of Winter, in a two-day process called the Budget Deliberations, Finance reviews and discusses all budget requests, before it decides how much each program would be allocated for the next fiscal year. All allocations must be in accordance with the DASB Budget Goals and Stipulations.

Budget Approval

Once the budget has been approved by Finance, it is then presented to the DASB Senate floor for another round of Budget Deliberations and approval from the DASB Senate. Finance then presents the approved budget to the FHDA Board of Trustees for the final approval.

Budget Expenditure

Finance reviews other financial requests submitted to the DASB Senate in its weekly committee meetings. Such requests would typically be Special Allocations requests or line item transfers, of which if approved would be recommended to the DASB Senate for approval. All financial activities of the DASB Senate must legally comply with all district rules, and local, state, and federal laws.

Student Comments
or Suggestions

"The Scoop"
College Life


4 pm - 6 pm Mondays

Student Council Chambers and Zoom

Click Here for Agendas


Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

  • Any Number of Interns

Advisors (Non-voting Ex-Officio)


DASG Finance Code


DASG Bugdet Information

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