We're Here To Help!
On this page, you'll find a directory of Financial Aid experts who work in our office. For the most efficient response, be sure to provide the following information when you send an email to anyone in our office:
- Student ID number (CWID)
- First and last name
- Phone number
The first red accordion will show you the staff members can help with many common issues, including
- Bank Mobile Disbursements
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
The second red accordion shows a list of other topics and the staff members who can assist with those.
Please contact the person who is designated to assist you, based on the first letter of your last name, or as listed for additional topics.
If Your Last Name Begins With
If your last name begins with A-B
Students with last names starting with A-B should contact Nora Vuong, financial aid specialist, at vuongnora@deanza.edu about
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
If your last name begins with C-H
Students with last names starting with C-H should contact Mari Betosip, financial aid specialist, at betosipmari@deanza.edu about
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
If your last name begins with I-O
Students with last names starting with I-O should contact Laura Hiler, financial aid specialist, at hilerlaura@deanza.edu about
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
If your last name begins with P-V
Students with last names starting with P-V should contact Sandra Magallon Cervantes, financial aid specialist, at magalloncervantessandra@deanza.edu about
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
If your last name begins with W - Z
Students with last names starting with W-Z, should contact Millie Perez-Perea, financial aid, at perezpereamillie@deanza.edu about
- Cal Grants and Student Success Grants
- California Dream Act
- Disbursements
- Federal programs (Pell Grant, SEOG and Direct Student Loans)
- Unusual enrollment history (UEH)
For Assistance With Other Issues
Appeals for Extended Probation
Contact Gary Valentine, assistant director of financial aid, at valentinegary@deanza.edu
BankMobile Issues
Contact Nora Vuong, financial aid specialist, at vuongnora@deanza.edu
Book Vouchers
Contact any of the following
- Sandra Magallon Cervantes, financial aid specialist, at magalloncervantessandra@fhda.edu
- Gary Valentine, assistant director of financial aid, at valentinegary@deanza.edu
California College Promise fee waivers
Contact Claudia Ruelas, financial aid specialist, at ruelasclaudia@deanza.edu
Chafee Grants for Foster Youth
Contact Mayra Godoy-Rodriguez, financial aid coordinator(student employment specialist), at godoy-rodriguezmayra@deanza.edu
De Anza College Promise
Contact Lisa Mandy, director of financial aid, at mandylisa@deanza.edu
Dependency Status Review
Contact Gary Valentine, assistant director of financial aid, at valentinegary@deanza.edu
Pell Overpayment
Contact Thao Nguyen, financial aid coordinator, at nguyenthao@deanza.edu
Requests for Extension
Contact Lisa Mandy, director of financial aid, at mandylisa@deanza.edu
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Contact Gary Valentine, assistant director of financial aid, at valentinegary@deanza.edu
Contact Millie Perez Perea, financial aid specialist, at perezpereamillie@fhda.edu
Work-Study or Student Jobs
Contact Mayra Godoy-Rodriguez, financial aid coordinator (student employment specialist), at godoy-rodriguezmayra@deanza.edu