General Meeting Information
Date: November 20,
Time: 12.30 - 13.30 PM
Location: DASG Lounge
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 12:30 pm Call to Order
I - Aura Ozturk
12:31 pm Roll Call
I/D - Aura Ozturk
12:32 pm Approval of Minutes
- November 6, 2024
I/D/A - Aura Ozturk
12:33 pm Public Comments
I/D - All
12:35 pm Advisor Announcements
I - Advisors
12:37 pm Shared Governance Reports
I - Senators
12:40 pm Business Item 1
Discount project
this item is to update on the discount projects
time: 10 minutes
I/D - Aura Ozturk
12:50 pm Business Item 2
Election code changes
This item is to update the DASG election code
time: 10 minutes
- Dennis Shannakian
13:00 pm Business Item 3
Brainstorming resolutions/update
this item is to brainstorm resolutions and update on the progress of current resolution groups as well as questions at the end
time: 25 minutes
- All
13:25 pm Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- Prospective Interns
13:28 pm Public Comments
- All
13:30 pm Adjournment
- Aura Ozturk
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call to Order
- Aura called the meeting to order at 12.37 pm.
Roll Call
- Aura - present
- Wadi - present
- Eddie - present
Approval of minutes
- Approved by Wadi, seconded by Eddie
Public comments
- public comments were made
Advisor announcements
- advisor announcements were made
Shared governance reports
- None
Business Item 1:
SRE will be handling the discount project, interns may be working with SRE for the projects
- Nishita will ask someone to help translate communicating with a spanish speaker for IKE’s.
- Time: 4 minutes
Business Item 2:
Eddie motioned to table the item 2 to the first week of Winter, seconded by Aura.
- time: 2 minutes
Business item 3:
- For free tuition project update: we do not have the funds we get funded by the senate, they get funded by city of saratoga, vta/busline part of the city
For hopper/vta project: Sophia set up a meeting with Sergio Lopez (chair of valley transfer) to talk more about the transit direct line. Sophia suggested providing some statistics.
Popular destinations: De Anza College, looking to expand the VTA line, likely that we can partner with him.(David Stillman, Hopper’s Manager)
- Student portal: Language Addition, A small tutorial on MyPortal user guide
Apple pay for Cafeteria- not possible (Cafeteria will be changing ownership so it will be different what it is now.)
- Time: 20 minutes
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- Varsitha - 2nd Meeting
Public comments
- Public Comments were made.
- Aura adjourned the meeting at 1.42 pm